Eva Odelman

Medieval Model Sermons - in Latin and Swedish

This project follows up a previous pilot project intended to test different methods of making electronical editions of medieval model sermon collections. The aim of the present project is to apply the method which was found most appropriate, viz. to make a semi-critical edition based on one textual witness (manuscript or incunable) and accompanied by variants from a couple of other witnesses. The project plans to make such an edition of the Latin sermon collection Sermones moralissimi de tempore by the Franciscan Nicolaus de Aquaevilla (end of the 13th century), which was frequently used all over Europe, not least by the Birgittine brothers of Vadstena monastery. It is preserved in about 50 manuscripts and in some incunables, two of which belong to the University library of Uppsala. The edition will be made from one of the Uppsala incunables (UUB 35b:19) and will include an apparatus of sources as well as a critical apparatus containing variants from two representative manuscripts. It is also intended to use the same method in editing an Old Swedish sermon collection from about the year 1400, preserved in MS AM 787, 4o, Armagnæan Institute, Copenhagen. The sources of the collection and versions will be presented with a different textual structure. These editions are meant to be the beginning of an international project focusing on the publication of a greater corpus of model sermon collections.

Final report

Digital scientific report in English is missing. Please contact rj@rj.se for information.

Grant administrator
Uppsala University
Reference number
SEK 730,000
Bank of Sweden Donation
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History