Jan Wikander

Reestablishment of an International Toy Research Centre at KTH

The overall aim is to establish Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, SITREC, as a international leading centre of excellence for research on toys and play. The vision is to create an environment for international multi disciplinary research, development and education with the focus on development, design and uses of physical and virtual toys. Through this conditions for new innovative products as well as better pedagogical understanding for play and learning in different ages. KTH has in co-operation with LHS (The Stockholm Institute of Education) made a long-term commitment to re-establish and develop toy research. The aim, within three to five years, is to position SITREC as the internationally leading centre for toy research with a special responsibility for a global network of researchers on toys and play.
Three parallel processes/activities will be in focus for the first three years: (1) The creation of a research environment and its infrastructure (database development, library, information systems, website, newsletters), an interactive studio, publications, seminars and conferences. (2) Developing long-term research programs within a number of profile areas. (3) Conducting research, development projects and education based on external funding.
Final report

Digital scientific report in English is missing. Please contact rj@rj.se for information.

Grant administrator
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Reference number
SEK 2,500,000
RJ Infrastructure for research