Brita Hermelin

The localisation of services to metropolitan regions

The dominating location pattern for major parts of the service sector is a spatial concentration to metropolitan regions. However, studies have also shown processes of some geographical dispersal. The objective of this research project is to map and analyse the concentration and dispersal of service sectors that are growing, professional and over-represented in metropolitan regions. These types of services are in the sectors of (1) producer services and financial services, (2) research and higher education, (3) cultural and personal services.
The theoretical perspective is defined in the context of an institutional approach, in which 'economic' and 'non-economic' factors are considered relevant. Location factors are conceived as continuously produced and reproduced. In this project policy and planning will be particularly considered concerning their role in the development of location factors for growing and higher order services.
The project will make use of different types of empirical data. Statistical data will be used to map the geography of services for the period 1990 - 2002. The metropolitan region of Stockholm will be the case region for a questionnaire survey and an interview study. The questionnaire will be targeted towards planners in the various municipalities in the Stockholm region. The interview study will involve representatives of spatial planning and of service sector and service firms.
Grant administrator
Stockholm University
Reference number
SEK 590,000
Bank of Sweden Donation
Human Geography