European Social Survey: Round 3
European Social Survey (ESS) is a biannual attitude and behavioural survey that has been realized twice in more than 20 European countries, including Sweden. More than 2000 people per country are interviewed about issues like immigration, democracy, equality, how much time they spend reading newspapers and how often they see a doctor and much more. ESS makes it possible to study numerous important issues for the social sciences. There are striking differences between the European countries when it comes to their history, culture and institutions and it is therefore important to examine what effects these differences have on peoples' attitudes and living conditions. ESS is also important in a democratic perspective. Do people think that they live a good life or do they feel powerless alone and insecure? Do they feel that politicians and those in power are listening to them? Are certain groups suspicious and aversive towards things considered to be different? ESS consists of a fixed module that is repeated at every survey and a rotating module that changes between surveys. This solution makes it possible to study changes as well as topics of immediate interest. Data is accessible for all, researchers, journalist as well as the public, by freely downloading the whole database or by making simple computations directly on the internet.
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