Anders Stenberg

Evaluation of adult comprehensive education at Komvux

The main purpose of this project is to evaluate adult comprehensive education at Komvux, a well-established institution in Sweden, by using register data of participants from 1979 and onwards. More specifically, the project aims to evaluate the effects of Komvux on wage earnings, employment and participation in higher studies.

Within this framework, the aim is to study:
1. the effects of studies at the three different levels of education at Komvux, compulsory, upper-secondary and supplementary training, and to separate the effects stemming from different directions of studies within the respective levels of education.
2. if the return to adult education is dependent on age of completion.
3. if adult education has contributed to prolong working life, i.e. increase the number of years before retirement.
4. the effects for foreign-born of the different levels of education at Komvux.

Adult education has during the last decades become an increasingly important policy tool in most OECD-countries, and Sweden is in this respect a forerunner. Despite this, the economic effects of adult education have rarely been studied, primarily due to the lack of high-quality data. Swedish data is probably of higher quality than anywhere else in the world since activities at Komvux have been documented since 1979, but is to a large extent unused. A comprehensive evaluation of Komvux therefore has the possibility to contribute to international research on general education of adults.

Grant administrator
Stockholm University
Reference number
SEK 2,080,000
RJ Projects