Technologies and choice in healthcare: National and individual perspectives
Public spending on healthcare is high and healthcare is perceived as important by many citizens. There is a continuous debate on the organization and access to healthcare. Reforms offering a more open choice in healthcare and different guarantees in association with access are parts of this discourse. Previous research has to a limited degree treated the role of Information Technology (IT) in the construction of choice in healthcare. This means that the role of IT in the construction of choice is interesting both from a general and an individual perspective. Three research questions are treated in the project: 1) To what extent is IT used to support the individual's choice in healthcare and her overview of rights in association with this? 2) To what extent are technologies supporting choice related to support provided by for example doctors? 3) What citizen roles are supported by IT? A first phase of the project aims to provide an overview of all county councils in Sweden. The project focuses on four county councils that to a large extent encourage citizens' choice in general and the use of IT in this endeavour in particular. Two county councils where the opposite is true will also be analysed. With a focus on the role of IT in the construction of choice in healthcare, the cases are studied closely as well as important considerations in association with this. The project includes a comprehensive study of international attempts in this area (Denmark, Norway, and the EU).