Marika V Lagercrantz

The Drama Web

The aim of this project is to build a database that will function as a resource to theatres, universities and the general public. The project includes an inventory, catalogisation and digitisation of old Swedish playwriting that has been neglected until now. The database will be a resource to modern Swedish theatre production and will include a descriptive catalogue, drama texts as well as articles and references to the context of theatre and cultural history.

The project will break ground for new research whilst laying the foundation of a uniform catalogue of the existing set of older printed drama texts as well as handwritten manuscripts that at present are scattered in many collections in different libraries and archives. The inventory and cataloguing of these mostly neglected dramatic texts will be carried out after a strictly non-exclusive method to avoid creating new evaluative canons. Staged play writing as well as reading drama texts, serious and simple genres, fairy tales and casual entertainment pieces will be included. The project will use a gender perspective to consider the conditions of female and male stage writing as well as their dialogical relation. The texts, catalogue and articles in the database will be accessible in existing library databases such as LIBRIS.

Final report

Digital scientific reoprt in English is missing. Please contact for information.

Grant administrator
Reference number
SEK 500,000
RJ Infrastructure for research