Time, Memory, and Representation – A Multidisciplinary Program on Transformations in Historical Consciousness
The post-war period has witnessed an increased preoccupation with the relation between present, past, and future in both knowledge and practice. With the linguistic and hermeneutic turn in philosophy, cultural theory, feminist critique of science, conceptual analysis, and post-colonial questioning of culturally biased narratives, the way history is studied, interpreted, and produced, has become a central academic concern. This concern also mirrors a more general growing preoccupation in Western culture with history, with politics of memory, with the cultural heritage, the construction and destruction of memorials.
The program explores this new common territory in three general sections: Time, Memory and Representation. The first explores the conceptual historical critique of fundamental historical categories, including established chronologies, the second how politics of memory and uses of history shape the relation to the past and it seeks to develop the existential foundations for historical consciousness, and the third explores how different mediums (literature, film, language) shape and influence historical narratives and representations.
The program gathers 25 researchers from 13 disciplines, philosophy, intellectual history, gender studies, cultural studies, global studies, history, archaeology, art history, aesthetics, literature, film, political science, theology. It is organized from Södertörn University in Stockholm, but researchers are recruited from all six major universities in Sweden
1. Aim of programme and changes arising to aim during period of activity
The aim of the research programme was to bring together a group of researchers from a broad range of disciplines and institutions for the purposes of a "joint investigation of current transformations of historical consciousness" within the overarching parameters of "time", "memory", and "representation". The aim was to survey and unify the theoretical-historical field in order to develop "a critical-reflexive approach to the humanistic-historical disciplines". This was to be effected by means of seminars and conferences in cooperation with international researchers. In addition to the contributions of individual researchers, the programme was to publish three jointly-authored volumes and to engage in public debate. This plan has been realized as envisioned. The group has met on average twice per term. It has organized around twenty seminars and smaller conferences with distinguished international researchers as well as one major conference. It has produced an extensive list of publications comprising articles, contributions to books, edited anthologies, and monographs, including five jointly authored book projects. It has maintained a high profile in the media and built up a much-visited homepage (www.histcon.se).
Some minor changes have taken place with regard to staffing. Andrus Ers was recruited at an early stage to help coordinate the work in the capacity of programme secretary, but also as a researcher. In 2012 he was succeeded as secretary by Markus Huss, who also joined the project as a researcher and co-editor following his doctoral defense in 2014. Another participant who joined the group in 2012 was artist Mikael Lundberg, a VR-financed artistic researcher with a project on temporality. He has also been tasked with documenting and representing the work of the group. In 2013 historian Henrik Berggren was also recruited.
During the mid-point evaluation in 2013 critical views were relayed concerning integration of the programme's branches, contacts with Nordic research groups, and public engagement. The Programme Committee made them the starting-point for intensified efforts to theoretically integrate the work within the group and to strengthen the programme's media profile. This resulted in a decision to supplement a shorter volume of essays issued by an international publisher with a three-volume work in Swedish to which Nordic colleagues would also be invited to participate through original contributions. It also resulted in a strengthening of the programme's media profile through a series of articles in the daily press, public cultural engagements, enhanced collaboration with museums and art galleries as well as a series of broadcasts on Sveriges Radio. Collectively, these measures have led to greater exposure for the programme and a range of closer contacts with the museum and heritage sector in particular.
2. The programme's most important results and discussion thereof
The premise for the programme was that the research community and the culture at large had for several decades been engaged in a complex and partly contradictory transformation in how it experienced, thought about, and theorized, but also practically related to, history and the historical. At the same time as theoretical historiography continued to occupy itself with epistemological questions relating to the narrativity of historical knowledge and truth claims, history itself, with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the definitive ending of the colonial era with the transfer of power in South Africa in 1994, had opened up historical space in a more concrete and simultaneously existential and political sense. Accompanying this came new ways and a new urgency for thinking historically. Running counter to claims for "the end of history" there emerged an image of the historical as a "spectre" and a "revenant". Traditional history's emphasis upon distance and objectivity was counterposed to notions of the living past as crime, grief, atonement, and justice. Also, collective and cultural memory emerged as a framework for studying lived history, together with a burgeoning interest in the technologies and media through which history is preserved and staged.
The challenge was to develop a more integrated picture of a complex field. The programme united analytic tools from hermeneutics, deconstruction, postcolonial criticism and gender theory as well as from theories of history, genealogy, media theory, and cultural memory studies. It also benefitted from the involvement of several of its participants in parallel research projects that were also to influence the direction of TMR. These included EUNAMUS, a major EU-financed project on European national museums led by Peter Aronsson, which increased the project's engagement with critical museum studies, a development further strengthened by Johan Hegardt's parallel project on the history of the Swedish History Museum. Other parallel projects included Trond Lundemo's major Norwegian project "Archive in Motion" (VR), a project on "Contemporalism" led by Dan Karlholm (ÖSS), and "The Times of Television" led by Staffan Ericson (RJ).
The single most important result of TMR's work, to have generated a shared and integrated image and understanding of historical consciousness within these parameters, is also the hardest to concretize in a summary formula. Its way of articulating the interconnectedness of the historical as both historical experience and historical knowledge will have an effect on how this field continues to develop. Even though it can not be poinpointed to any individual publication, it can can nevertheless be discerned in the way in which the group was able to come together in the final conference and the three-volume study to collectively think the historical as ethos and domicile ("hemvist") It captures an ethically-politically defined quality of situatedness or locality, the historical understood as a lived spatiality conveyed by different forms of medialization and through prevailing dilemmas.
Against the background of this general observation, it can be shown how a number of the programme's research results only became possible within this wider framework. A good example is David Gaunt's research on genocide. His internationally recognized contributions to the study of the genocide of Armenians, Jews, and Roma was reoriented within the frame of TMR in the direction of the study of Roma memory culture and Roma aesthetic representations of the Holocaust but also in a deepened thematization of the tension between historian and activist. Other contributions deserving of mention include Alf Hornborg's work on integrating temporal experience into his global systems theory (Hornborg, 2016b, 2016c). Stefan Helgesson has developed a new way of discussing discrete, parallel and multiple temporalities in the study of literary texts in particular (Helgesson 2014). Dan Karholm has contributed to how the aesthetic disciplines understand time with his concepts of contemporalism and of contemporary art as anachronicity (Karholm, 2014a). Hans Ruin has connected the study of history, memory, and burial customs in a way that has had an impact on the international scholarship relating to memory culture (Ruin, 2015c).
Jacques Derrida's concept of "spectrality" has been developed by several programme participants in order to study the historiography of their own disciplines. For Claudia Lindén, this has resulted in a widely noticed publication on history writing in gender studies (Lindén 2013). At the intersection of memory culture and the study of temporality, the research of Kristina Fjelkestam (Fjelkestam 2012) and Ulla Mann (2016d) has made new contributions thanks to their adoption of an interdisciplinary approach. To their number can also be added Victoria Fareld's development of the issue of how time and history manifest themselves as trauma, grief, and responsibility through that which lingers behind (Fareld 2016a). Marcia Sá Cavalcante has developed a "hermeneutics of in-betweenness in the direction of a notion of "exile" as a key term for theorizing historical consciousness (Cavalcante 2016a).
With regard to understanding the historical gaze through the phenomenon of "vertigo", Johan Redin's studies have made original contributions (Redin 2014). Peter Aronsson's contribution to the understanding of the museum and the national constitute key additions to this field, particularly his new way of discussing "cultural constitution" (Aronsson 2015a). In Mats Burström's research the very image of archaeological knowledge has been displaced by means of a contrast with the interest in the fragment manifested by Romantic aesthetics (Burström 2015a). Stefan Jonsson's research during the course of the programme has resulted in an internationally acclaimed study of Europe's colonial history (2014a). In a well-received study of reading Anders Olsson has developed hermeneutics using the concept of "lingering" (dröjande) (Olsson 2015a). Irina Sandomirskaja has authored an award-winning book on languages under siege (Sandomirskaja 2013), and Jayne Svenungsson has completed an extensive monograph on history and messianism (Svenungsson 2014d) that is also being published in English through the programme's agency.
3. New research questions generated by the programme
One problematic that provoked more interest than initially indicated in the application related to questions of cultural heritage. This was a consequence in part of the greater emphasis on critical museum theory but even more of external changes during the course of the programme's timeline. At the programme's inception there were few who had seen the real political stakes in questions of cultural heritage. Yet for several years it had been high on the theoretical as well the practical-political agenda, by virtue of a wave of neo-nationalist politics and spectacular acts of terrorism against material culture. Several undertakings in this direction are currently planned by various participants, including a major special issue of Ord & Bild to be edited by Patricia Lorenzoni. Of direct significance to this field is the capacity to critically analyse how our biological inheritance is currently actualized as a historical-philosophical category. A research collaboration has been initiated with the Center for Subjectivity Research at Copenhagen University around the project "Identity, Memory, and Imagination: Exploring our Relation to the Past in the Age of Genomics", in which Johan Hegardt has participated in an introductory workshop co-financed by TMR. Also the concept of "shared history" is activated in several planned projects.
In general, critical-political questions have acquired a more prominent position in the group's work to understand the historical as a field of knowledge and action, especially through an increased emphasis upon postcolonial studies. In this regard, the week-long conference and study visit to Johannesburg in autumn 2014 played a decisive role in strengthening the extra-European perspective upon this entire problematic. Marcia Sá Cavalcante has been awarded new funding to develop these questions using the concept of "efter"/after/post, which also provides the basis for an upcoming application to VR this year. Cultural memory is a key category for understanding the direction of current trends in former Eastern Europe. Several project participants are engaged in developing this thematic through planned researcher courses and projects, partly within the framework for CBEES, a research centre at Södertörn University financed by The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies and led by Rebecka Lettevall. Among the other developments that have emerged in part from TMR mention should also be made of the new six-year programme on World Literatures, financed by RJ and led from 2016 by Stefan Helgesson.
4. The programme's international grounding
An "international board" was created for the programme comprising, among others, Hayden White, Walter Mignolo, Joan Scott, Aleida Assmann, and Frank Ankersmit. Each of them has visited the programme on different occasions for seminars and planning discussions. Their extensive contact networks have helped to establish the programme's activities on a larger stage, including in collaboration with the International Network for the Theory of History at Ghent. For its hosted conference in Brazil in August 2016, five participants from the programme group will attend and Hans Ruin will give a keynote address. During the course of the programme, a number of conference have been organized in collaboration with overseas colleagues. Most of the programme's participants have extensive international contact networks and collaborations of their own, resulting in a great number of activities for which there is insufficient space to itemize here. Among their various efforts to establish longer-term international collaborations may be mentioned the Mnemonics network.
5. Efforts to disseminate research findings outside the academic community
Many of the programme's participants are active as cultural commentators in the press. This has resulted in a large number of public lectures, articles, and essays, of which several are included in the list of publications. Deserving of special mention here are articles in the national newspapers Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter and a series of radio broadcasts in collaboration with "Filosofiska rummet", a philosophy programme on Sveriges Radio. The TMR programme's media exposure has also resulted in several enquiries from cultural institutes and invitations to collaborate. Particularly important has been a collaboration with Bonniers art gallery, which led to an exhibition, a series of programmes, and a well-attended one-day conference in autumn 2013 on the theme "The Art of Memory". In June 2015, a conference on developments in the contemporary museum, "After the West", was organized in collaboration with The Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm. Several of the programme's researchers took part in activities organized for GIBCA, the Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art, in autumn 2015, and also in collaborations with Tensta konsthall and Vandalorum. In 2014, the programme initiated a collaboration with the Swedish History Museum involving several public events, and its concluding conference will be held there in November 2016. Representatives for the programme have been contacted by the Swedish National Heritage Board and the Ministry of Culture for contributions and consultations on matters of cultural heritage policy.
6. The programme's most important publications and discussion thereof
Particularly important publications by individual researchers have been itemized above under the heading "Results", including the substantial volume Historiens hemvist (forthcoming in spring 2016 and edited by Victoria Fareld, Johan Hegardt, Patricia Lorenzoni, Trond Lundemo, Ulla Manns, and Hans Ruin). Stefan Helgesson and Jayne Svenungsson are the chief editors of a volume of essays provisionally titled The Ethos of History, which is currently under submission to Berghahn Books. Among other manuscripts currently under preparation, particular mention should be made of several contracted books. Hans Ruin has a contract with Stanford University Press for a book on historical consciousness and the culture of death. Marcia Sá Cavalcante has a forthcoming co-edited book with Rowman & Littlefield on the topic of The End of the World as well as special issue of the journal Philosophy Today, co-edited with Jean-Luc Nancy, on the theme of "History Today". Jens Bartelson has a contract with Cambridge University Press for a book titled War: A Historical Ontology. Johan Redin is the chief editor of the first major anthology in Sweden on cultural memory studies, forthcoming with Daidalos förlag in 2016. Staffan Ericsson is the chief editor of an extensive special issue of the International Journal of Communication on the theme of "Media Times", forthcoming autumn 2016.
7. The programme's publication strategy and comments thereon
The programme's researchers are publishing in a wide range of media, in monographs, anthologies, scientific journals, cultural periodicals and newspapers, mostly in English and Swedish but also in German, French, Portuguese, and Russian. All are available via libraries and databases, some of them from the programme's homepage. In order to secure early exposure for the programme, the first jointly-authored book Rethinking Time was published by Södertörn University in a series that is available digitally (6,000 downloads to date). Discussions were initiated at an early stage with a view to placing the project's collaborative volume with Berghahn Books and the concluding conference in its "Meaning in History" series. The programme's largest collaborative publication, Historiens hemvist I-III, will be published by Makadam, and will eventually be available as OA. Funds have also been set aside for translation of articles from this project that are intended for publication in English-language journals.
Publikationslista / List of Publications
[För länkar till vissa av de redovisade texterna, se programmets hemsida: www.histcon.se]
Aronson, Peter
"The Productive Dilemmas of History", Ruin, H. & Ers, A. (eds), Rethinking Time: Essays on History, Memory and Representation, Stockholm 2011, ss. 29-38.
BeGreppbart - Historia. (Malmö: Liber, 2011)
Knell, S.J., P. Aronsson & A. Amundsen, et al (eds). National Museums. Studies from around the World. (London: Routledge, 2011)
"Explaining National Museums. Exploring comparative approaches to the study of national museums." National Museums. New Studies from around the World, p. 29-54. (London: Routledge, 2011)
"Medeltiden i montern." Ett nordiskt rum. Historiska och framtida gemenskaper från Baltikum till Barents hav. RJ:s årsbok, s. 60–83. (Göteborg ; Stockholm: Makadam, 2011).
"Identity politics and uses of the past with European national museums." Nordisk Museologi, no. 1 (2011): s. 117–24.
"Foreword: A European Project." Building National Museums in Europe 1750–2010. Conference proceedings from EuNaMus, European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen, Bologna 28-30 April 2011. Report No. 1. (Linköping: LiU E-Press, 2011).
Med Gabriella Elgenius. "Making National Museums in Europe – a comparative approach." Building National Museums in Europe 1750–2010. Conference proceedings from EuNaMus, European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen, Bologna 28-30 April 2011. Report No. 1, p. 5-20. (Linköping: LiU E-Press, 2011).
"Småländska förebilder och föredömen." Småländska förebilder & föregångare, s. 9–13 (Artéa förlag, 2011)
"Blända: ansvar och mod." Småländska förebilder & föregångare, s. 89–101 (Artéa förlag, 2011)
"Europeiska nationalmuseer som förhandlingsarenor." Samling og museum. Kapitler av museenes historie, praksis og ideologi, s. 246-58. (Oslo: Novus, 2011).
"Kulturarv och historiebruk." Paper presented at the Kulturaliseringens samhälle [Elektronisk resurs] : Problemorienterad kulturvetenskaplig forskning vid Tema Q 2002-2012: Tema Q jubileumssymposium 19-20 januari 2012, Norrköping Sweden, Linköping 2012.
"Kulturarv och historiebruk." Paper presented at the Kulturaliseringens samhälle [Elektronisk resurs] : Problemorienterad kulturvetenskaplig forskning vid Tema Q 2002-2012: Tema Q jubileumssymposium 19-20 januari 2012, Norrköping Sweden, Linköping 2012. http://sh.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:444150
& Emma Bentz, "National Museums in Germany: Anchoring Competing Communities", Aronsson, Peter and Gabriella Elgenius, (eds.), Building National Museums in Europe 1750–2010. Conference proceedings from EuNaMus, European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen, Bologna 28-30 April 2011., Linköping 2011 http://www.ep.liu.se/ecp/064/015/ecp64015.pdf
"Historisk kunskap – ett begrepp under förändring", Hammarlund, KG, (red.), Historiedidaktik i Norden 9. Del 2: historisk kunskap, Malmö 2012
Alexandersson, A., Aronsson, P., Gustafsson, B. E., Holtorf, C. and Westergren, E. (2011) 'Introduction. Social Benefits of Heritage', Museum international, 63(1–2): 6–7.
"National museums negotiating the past for a desired future." Museums in an Age of Migrations. Questions,Challanges, Perspectives, 66–76. (Milano: Politecnico di Milano, 2012).
"Omdöme och historia", Dygdernas renässans, s. 81–100 (Stockholm: Atlantis, 2012).
"Exhibiting Scandinavian culture: The national museums of Denmark and Sweden." Popularizing National Pasts. 1800 to the Present, p. 169–95. (London: Routledge, 2012).
"ΕΘΝΙΚΑ ΜΟΥΣΕΙΑ ΣΤΗ ΝΟΤΙΑ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ: ιστορία και προοπτικές (National museums in southern Europe: roles and dynamics)." National Museums in Southern Europe: history and perspective: Kaleidoscope Publ., 2012).
& Lizette Gradén. "Introduction: Performing Nordic Heritage: Institutional Preservation and Popular Practices." Performing Nordic Heritage. Everyday Practices and Institutional Culture, p. 1–26. (Burlington: Ashgate, 2013).
"Performing the Nordic in Museums: Changing Ideas of Norden and their Political Implications." Performing Nordic Heritage. Everyday Practices and Institutional Culture, p. 271–300. (Burlington: Ashgate, 2013).
National Museums Making History in A Diverse Europe. (Linköping: LiU E-press, 2012).
& Lizette Gradén, (eds.). Performing Nordic heritage. Everyday practices and institutional culture. (Burlington: Ashgate, 2013)
& Lizette Gradén. "Conclusion: Performing Nordic Spaces in Everyday Life and Museums." Performing Nordic Heritage. Everyday Practices and Institutional Culture, p. 301–13. (London: Ashgate, 2013).
"Reflections on Policy Relevance and Research in EuNaMus, “European National Museums: Identity politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen”." Entering the Minefields: the Creation of New History Museums in Europe: Conference Proceedings from EuNaMus, European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen. Brussels 25 January 2012, p. 25–31. (Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2012).
"Writing the museum." The museum beyond the nation, pp. 17–40. (Stockholm: National Historical Museum, 2012).
"Framing uses of the past. Nations, academia and museums conjuring history." Rethinking the space for religion. New actors in Central and Southeast Europe on religion, authenticity and belonging, pp. 285–312. (Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2012).
& Magdalena Hillström. "Vem skapar ett museum – och vem vill besöka det?" Det turistiska fältet och dess aktörer, s. 79–98. (Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2013).
"Nordic culture: An asset with many facets." The value of arts and culture for regional development : a Scandinavian perspective, pp. 15–28. (London: Routledge, 2013).
"Historiebruk och kulturarv. Professionalisering och samhällsrelevans." Kulturella perspektiv. Svensk etnologisk tidskrift 22, no. 1 (2013): 46–48.
"National museums as cultural constitutions." In National Museums and Nation-building in Europe 1750-2010. Mobilization and legitimacy, continuity and change, edited by Peter Aronsson and Gabriella Elgenius, (eds.), pp. 167–99. London: Routledge, 2015a.
& Gabriella Elgenius. "Introduction: Making museums and nations ". In National Museums and Nation-building in Europe 1750-2010. Mobilization and legitimacy, continuity and change, edited by Peter Aronsson and Gabriella Elgenius, (eds.), pp. 1–9. London: Routledge, 2015b.
"Review essay: Grete Swensen (ed.), Å lage kulturminner. Hvordan kulturarv forstås, formes og forvaltes." Journal of Northern Studies 9, no. 1 (2015c): p. 148–51.
"Shaping lives: negotiating and narrating memories", Etnográfica 19, no. 3, 2015d, 577–91. http://etnografica.revues.org/4125
”Förord”, Grundberg, Malin, Johan Hegardt, Patrik Nordström & Fredrik Svanberg, Ett museum måste irritera : fyra röster om Historiska museet, Historiska museet, Stockholm, 2015e.
& Gabriella Elgenius, (eds.). National Museums and Nation-building in Europe 1750-2010. Mobilization and legitimacy, continuity and change. London: Routledge, 2015.
”Föredömligt historiebruk. Vad är en god historia?”, Historiens hemvist II: Etik, politik och historikerns ansvar, Makadam, Stockholm, 2016 (under utg.)
Bartelson, Jens
’Ways of Warmaking’, in Ruin, H. & Ers, A. (eds.) Rethinking Time. Essays on History, Memory, and Representation, Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011, pp. 167-178.
‘Acabando con el Imperio: Lusotropicalismo como ideología imperial’, Relaciones Internacionales, (30), 2011: 11-26.
Sovereignty as Symbolic Form. London & New York: Routledge, 2014.
’From Empire to Sovereignty - and Back?’. Ethics & International Affairs. 28(2), 2014: 251-262.
’International Theory meets Intellectual History’. Contemporary Political Theory, 13(4), 2015: 392-397.
’Sovereignty and the Personality of the State’, in Robert Schuett & Peter M. R. Stirk (eds.), The Concept of the State in International Relations. Philosophy, Sovereignty, and Cosmopolitanism, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015, ss. 81-107.
’Towards a Genealogy of ’Society’ in International Relations’. Review of International Studies 41(4), 2015: 675-692.
’Om Genealogins Möjligheter och Begränsningar som Historisk Metod’, i Fareld, Victoria & Ruin, Hans (red.) Historiens Hemvist I: Om den historiska tidens former, Stockholm: Makadam Förlag, 2016 (under utg.).
Berggren, Henrik
”Den förlorade tiden: Sverige under andra världskriget”. Historiens hemvist I: Den historiska tidens former (red. Victoria Fareld, Hans Ruin). Stockholm: Makadam, 2016 (under utgivn).
Burström, Mats
“Creative Confusion: Modern Ruins and the Archaeology of the Present”, Ruin, H. & Ers, A., eds., Rethinking Time. Essays on History, Memory, and Representation, Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011, pp. 119-128.
med Anders Gustafsson & Håkan Karlsson) World Crisis in Ruin. The Archaeology of the Former Soviet Nuclear Missile Sites in Cuba. Lindome: Bricoleur Press, 2011.
med Bernhard Gelderblom) “Dealing with difficult heritage. The case of Bückeberg, site of the Third Reich Harvest Festival”. Journal of Social Archaeology, 2011(3): 266-282.
“Humankind: family and future. Comments on Brit Solli: ‘Some reflections on heritage and archaeology in the Anthropocene’”. Norwegian Archaeological Review, 43(1), 2011: 15-18.
“Var sak på sin plats/Each thing in its right place”. Recollection Michael Johansson. Ystads konstmuseum, 2011: 21-24.
”Moderna ruiner ger svindlande nya perspektiv”. Svenska Dagbladet. Under strecket 27.4.2011.
”Skördefest med besk eftersmak”. Svenska Dagbladet. Under strecket 2.10.2011.
”Arkeologer sätter spaden i tidig robotålder”. Svenska Dagbladet. Under strecket 14.11.2011
Minnesgömmor. Berättelser om föremål gömda i jorden i Estland under andra världskriget. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2012.
Treasured Memories. Tales of buried belongings in wartime Estonia. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2012.
”Estlands jord fylld av gömda minnen”. Svenska Dagbladet. Under strecket 12.3.2012.
”När fragmenten blir större än helheten”. Svenska Dagbladet. Under strecket 2.9.2012.
med Anders Gustafsson & Håkan Karlsson) ”Kärnvapenhangaren blev till skrivbordsprydnader”. Fynd. Tidskrift för Göteborgs stadsmuseum och Fornminnesföreningen i Göteborg, 2012, ss. 67-70.
“Buried memories. Wartime caches and family history in Estonia”. Archaeologies of Mobility and Movement. (Red.) Beaudry, M. & Parno. T. New York: Springer Science, 2013: 101-115.
“Fragments as something more: archaeological experience and reflections”. Reclaiming Archaeology. Beyond the Tropes of Modernity. (Red.) Gonzaléz- Ruibal, A. London & New York: Routledge, 2013: 311-322.
“If we are quiet, will things cry out?” Current Swedish Archaeology, 20, 2013: 41-45.
“Ryssland söker ännu sina stupade”. Svenska Dagbladet. Under strecket 8.5.2013.
med Anders Gustafsson & Håkan Karlsson) “From nuclear missile hangar to pigsty. An archaeological photo-essay on the 1962 world crisis”, Counterpoint: Essays in Archaeology and Heritage Studies in Honour of Professor Kristian Kristiansen. (Red.) Bergerbrant, S. & Sabatini, S. BAR International Series 2508. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2014, ss. 733-737.
“More than a sensitive ear. What to expect of a professional expert”. Who Needs Experts? Counter-mapping Cultural Heritage. (Red.) Schofield, J. Farnham & Burlington: Ashgate, 2014: 101-112.
“Treasured memories. An anecdotal mapping of wartime caches in Estonia”, Ruin Memories. Materialities, Aesthetics and the Archaeology of the Recent Past. (Red.) Olsen, B. & Pétursdóttir, Þ. London & New York: Routledge, 2014: 143-161.
”Bergtagna – om kriget kom”. Axess, 2014(2): 28-31.
”Norska kämpar och glömda kvinnor”. Svenska Dagbladet. Under strecket 21.4.2014.
”Var blev ni av? Om ödehusens lockelse”. Ödehus. En sommarutställning i Stensjö by 2013-2014. Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien: 5, 2014.
Skärvor av 1900-tal. Arkeologiska essäer. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2015.
“Review of: Graves-Brown, P., Harrison, R. & Piccini, A. (Eds). 2013. ‘The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Contemporary World’”. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 2015.
“Punctum of the contemporary past”. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology (under utgivn).
”Tingens tidsrymd. Arkeologiska perspektiv på samtidens heterogenitet”. Historiens hemvist III: Medialisering, materialitet, och minnets teknicitet. (Red.) Hegardt, J. & Lundemo, T (under utg.)
Carlshamre, Staffan
"Is Every Tale a Fairy Tale?", i Ruin, H. & Ers, A., eds., Rethinking Time. Essays on History, Memory, and Representation, Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011, pp. 39-50.
"Is There Ever a Happy Ending?", i Disputable Core Concepts of Narrative Theory, red. Göran Rossholm och Christer Johansson, Peter Lang 2012.
"Hegel's Anomalous Functionalism", i Translating Hegel – The Phenomenology of Spirit and Modern Philosophy, red. Brian Manning Delaney och Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Södertörn Philosophical Studies 13, Huddinge 2012.
"Den andre inom mig: Hegel om jaget", i Anders Burman & Rebecka Lettevall (red): Tysk idealism, Axl Books 2013.
“En sann historia?”. i Historiens hemvist I: Den historiska tidens former, red. Fareld, Victoria & Ruin, Hans, Makadam, Stockholm, 2016 (under utg.)
Ericson, Staffan
"The Times of Television: Representing, Anticipating, Forgetting the Cold War", i Ruin, H. & Ers, A., eds., Rethinking Time. Essays on History, Memory, and Representation, Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011, pp.. 139-153.
“Media and Maelströms (McLuhan and Benjamin)”, Site Magazine 33, 2013.
Inklusive, under granskning: Ericson, Staffan: “Stormy Weather: The Pre- and Posthistory of Television”, in International Journal of Communication, Special Issue
Staffan Ericson & Katharina Niemayer (eds.), The Times of Television (under utg.)
”The Allegory of the Bunker: Cold War as Television”, i Ericson & Niemayer, eds. Media Times, Special Issue of International Journal of Communication, eds. Staffan Ericson, Johan Fornäs, Anne Kaun, accepted for publication, Fall 2016, 15 artiklar + Introduction
Ericson, Staffan (2016): “Oväder: televisionens för- och efterhistoria”, i Historiens hemvist, red. Trond Lundemo & Johan Hegardt, Makadam förlag, Göteborg.
Ers, Andrus
“Year Zero: the temporality of revolution studied thorugh the example of the Khmer Rouge", I Ers, A. & Ruin, H. eds., Rethinking Time: History, Memory and Representation. Huddinge: Södertörn Philosophical Studies, 2011, ss. 155-165.
”År Noll”. Glänta, 2013: 106-112.
“De möjliga framtiderna vid andra världskrigets slut”, Respons, 6, 2015: 56-58.
”Frågan om filosofins ursprung: Werner Jaeger, Erik Stenius och den moderna kulturkrisen”, Upplysningskritik: Till Bosse Holmqvist, Symposion, Stehag, 2014, ss. 99-111.
“Kris, terror, besvikelse: Sjuttiotalet efter utopierna”, Tillsammans: Politik, filosofi och estetik på 1960- och 1970-talen. Stockholm: Bokförlaget Atlas, 2014, ss. 563-590.
”Tidens tecken: historiefilosofi och revolutionär temporalitet studerade genom exemplet KFML 1967-1979 ”, i Lorenzoni, P. & Manns, U. Red., Historiens hemvist, vol. II, Etik och politik, Makadam, Stockholm, 2016 (under utg.)
Fareld, Victoria
”History and Mourning”, i Ruin, H. & Ers, A., eds., Rethinking Time. Essays on History, Memory, and Representation, Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011, pp.. 235-244.
“Minnet i historien”. Språket i historien, historien i språket. En vänbok till Bo Lindberg. Göteborg: Institutionen för Litteratur, idéhistoria, religion, Göteborgs universitet 2011, s. 329-339.
”Temporalt ansvar mellan minne och glömska. Förlåtelse och skuld hos Arendt”. Konsten att handla – konsten att tänka. Hannah Arendt om det politiska (red. Ulrika Björk, Anders Burman), Stockholm: Axl Books 2011, s. 145-163.
”Tideologi: Om de politiska idéernas tidslighet”. Fronesis, nr. 52-53, s. 172-178.
”De levande behöver de döda. Om historia, minne och sörjande”. Tid för Europa. Gemenskap, minne, hopp (red. Jon Wittrock), Göteborg: Daidalos, 2012, ss. 219-229.
”Ressentiment as Moral Imperative: Jean Améry’s Nietzschean Revaluation of Victim Morality”. Ressentiment: On the Limits of Criticism and the Limits of its Critics (eds. Mary Gallagher, Jeanne Riou). New York: Columbia University Press, 2016a, s. 67-89 (under utg.)
”Vladimir Jankélévitch, förlåtelsen och det förflutnas spöken”. Aiolos: Tidskrift för litteratur, teori och estetik, nr. 52-53, 2016b, s. 47-57.
med H. Ruin, ”Inledning”. Historiens hemvist. Del I: Den historiska tidens former (red. Victoria Fareld & Hans Ruin). Stockholm: Makadam, 2016c (under utg.).
med Hegardt, J. mfl, ”Förord: om historiemedvetandets förvandlingar”, i Historiens hemvist. Del I-III, Stockholm: Makadam, 2016d (under utg).
”Tiden har inget grepp om brotten. Om historien och det icke-preskriberbara”. Historiens hemvist II: Politik, etik och historikerns ansvar, red. Lorenzoni, P & Manns, U., Makadam, Stockholm, 2016e (under utg.).
Kristina Fjelkestam
”Histories Matter: Materializing Politics in the Moment of the Sublime”. Ruin, H. & Ers, A., eds., Rethinking Time. Essays on History, Memory, and Representation, Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011, pp. 227-236.
Ta tanke: Feminism, materialism och historiseringens praktik. Lund: Sekel, 2012.
”Gendering Cultural Memory: Balzac´s Adieu”. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research vol 5, 2013.
”Tiden som kvinna eller kvinnans tid? Genus och temporalitet i Eyvind Johnsons Livsdagen lång”. Omvägar till sanningen: Nya perspektiv på Eyvind Johnsons författarskap, red. Johansson, C & Lindström, A, Symposion, Stehag, 2015.
”Historia”. Grundbok i litteraturvetenskap: Historia, praktik, teori, red. Carin Franzén. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2015.
”Antropomorf anakronism: Historiens gestalt i Anna-Karin Palms Snöängel och Faunen”, i Historiens hemvist I: Om den historiska tidens former, red. Fareld, V. & Ruin, H. Makadam, Stockholm, 2016 (under utg.)
Gaunt, David
“Historian’s Picnic in Kurdistan”. Ers, A. & Ruin, H. eds., Rethinking Time: Essays on History, Memory and Representation, Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011, pp. 199-213.
“Reichskommisariat Ostland” in Jonathan Friedman ed., The Routledge History of the Holocaust. London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 216-227.
“The Ottoman Treatment of the Assyrians”. Ronald Grigor Suny, Fatma Muge Göcek, Norman Naimark, eds., A Question of Genocide 1915: Armenians and Turks at the End of the Ottoman Empire. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp 244-259.
“Relations between Kurds and Syriacs and Assyrians in Late Ottoman Diyarbekir”. Joost Jongerden & Jelle Verheij (eds), Social Relations in Ottoman Diyarbekir, 1870-1925 Leiden: Brill, 2012, pp. 241-266.
“Reinterpreting a Bulgarian past”. Baltic Worlds V(2), 2012, pp. 48-50.
“Folkmordet på armenierna”. Respons 2012(2): 44-46
“Failed Identity and the Assyrian Genocide”. Omer Bartov & Eric Weitz (red), Shatterzone of Empires: Coexistence and Violence in the German, Habsburg, Russian, and Ottoman Borderlands. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2012, pp. 317-333.
“The Culture of Inter-Religious Violence in Anatolian Borderlands in the Late Ottoman Emprire”. Winifried Speitkamp, ed., Gewaltsgemeinschaften: Von der Spätantike bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. Göttingen, Germany: V & R, 2013, 251-273
“Genocide and Crimes Againt Humanity: Assyrian Massacres”. Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. Detroit: Gale Group, 2013, pp. 218-220.
“Asuri Soykirimi”. Sait Centinolglu red., Öncasi ve Sonrasi ile Inkar ve Yuzlesme. Ankara: Utopya Yayinlari, 2013, pp. 40-45
“Diyarbakerli’da Gundelik Siddetten Soykirima”. Cengiz Aktar, red. Diyarbakir ve Cevresi Toplumsal ve Ekonomik Tarihi Konferansi. Istanbul: Hrant Dink Vakfi, 2013, pp. 246-261
“Mardin’in Catilarninin Manzarasi: Kilic Yilinda Herkes Gördu”. Emre Ayvez, red. Mardin ve Cevresi Toplumsal ve Ekonomik Tarihi Konferansi. Istanbul: Hrant Dink Vakfi, 2013, pp. 14-23
“Memory is more important than death and life: 100 years after the Armenian Genocide”. Baltic Worlds 7(3-4), 2014: 9-11
Review “Points of Passage: Jewish Transmigrants from Eastern Europe in Scandinavia, Germany and Britain 1880-1914”. Journal of Borderland Studies 29(4), 2014: 515-516
“Too Close for Comfort: Relations between Kurds and Assyrians/Syriacs in Late Ottoman Times”. Vienna Kurdology Yearbook. 3/2015: 45-65
“Comment on Daniela Gress: The Beginning of the Sinti and Roma Civil Rights Movement in the Federal Republic of Germany”. Jan Selling (red.), Antiziganism What’s in a Word. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2015, pp. 61-63
“The Complexity of the Assyrian Genocide”. Genocide Studies International 9(1), 2015: 83-103
“Inledning till studiet av det assyriska folkmordet”. Historisk tidskrift 135(4), 2015: 660-673
“The Complexity of the Assyrian Genocide”. Conseil scientifique international pour l’étude du genocide des Arméniens, Le genocide des Arméniens. Paris Armand Colin, 2015, pp. 70-91
“The Year of the Sword in the Province of Diyarbakir”. Lars Lingius (red.), In Times of Genocide. Älvsjö: Bilda, 2015, pp. 36-50
”Recension av Timothy Snyder, Black Soil”, Militärhistoriskt Årskrift, 2015.
Gaunt, David (2016. Recension av Panu Pulma (red), De finska romernas historia från svenska tiden till 2000-talet. É romani glinda
“Introduction: Contextualzing the Seyfo in the First World War”. David Gaunt, Naures Atto, Soner Onder (eds.), Sayfo: The Genocide of the Assyrian, Syriac, and Chaldean Christians. New York Berghahn, 2016.
“A Culture of Violence”, David Gaunt, Naures Atto, Soner Onder (eds.), Sayfo: The Genocide of the Assyrian, Syriac, and Chaldean Christians New York Berghahn, 2016.
“Arameans/Assyrians/Suryoye”. Mihran Dabag (ed.), Lexicon of Non-National Communities and Diasporas in the Mediterranean, Bochum, Germany: Center for Mediterranean Studies Ruhr University, 2016.
Från zigenare till romer. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2016.
“Historiska sanningar och andra sätt att fly från verklighet”, i Historiens hemvist II: Etik, politik och historikerns ansvar, red. Lorenzoni, P. & Manns, U. Stockholm: Makadam, 2016 (under utg.)
Hegardt, Johan
”Walking Through History: Archaeology and Ethnography in Museum Narration.” In: Ers, A. & Ruin, H. Eds., Rethinking Time. Essays on history, memory, and representation. Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011, pp. 109-118.
med Anna Källén. ”Being through the past: Reflections on Swedish archaeology and heritage management.” In: Lozny, Ludomir R. (Ed). Comparative Archaeologies. A Sociological view of the science of the past. New York: Springer, 2011.
”The marvel of cauldrons: A reflection on the united stories of archaeology.” In: Högberg, Anders & Källén, Anna (Eds). Current Swedish Archaeology. The Swedish Archaeological Society. Vol. 18. Stockholm, 2011.
“Historien om ett museum och om forskning utanför universitetet”, i Svanberg, F. (Red). Forskning vid museer. The Museum of National Antiquities Studies 19. Stockholm, 2012.
”Narrating a (New) Nation? Temporary exhibitions at the Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm, Sweden between 1990 and 2009.” In: Dominique Poulot, Felicity Bodenstein, José María Lanzarote Guiral. Great Narratives of the Past Traditions and Revisions in National Museums: Conference Proceedings from EuNaMus, European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen, Paris 28 June – 1 July & 25–26 November 2011 http://www.ep.liu.se/ecp_home/index.en.aspx?issue=078
”Introduction.” In: Hegardt, Johan. (Ed.). The museum beyond the nation. The National Historical Museum, Stockholm, Studies 21, 2012.
Fyra artiklar i Questions and Dialogues: Presenting Cases of Heritage Conflicts in Europe. Wiki. EuNaMus-project, 2012.
“Att vandra genom historien: Om Historiska museets rumsliga disposition.” I: Nicklasson, Påvel & Petersson, Bodil (Red). Att återupptäcka det glömda. Aktuell forskning om forntidens förflutna i Norden. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Series Prima in 4, No. 32. Lund, 2012.
“Ett museum skall irritera. Historiska museet satt i dess politiska sammanhang.” Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. Årsbok MMXII, 2012.
”Book Review of Bouquet, Mary. Museums: a visual anthropology. xii, 243 pp., illus., bibliogrs. London, New York: Berg Publishers, 2012.”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 20, 2014, 371-401.
med Anna Källén. ”A Cosmopolitan History of Archaeology: The Olov Janse Case.” Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 24(7), 2014.
med Anna Källén. ”Translated Objects: The Olov Janse Case.” Museum Worlds: Advances in Research 2, 2014.
”Sweden. Cultural Heritage Management.” In: Smith, Claire (Ed). Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer Reference, 2014.
”Snow White and the Ambassador: The Vandalization as Told by the Archives.” (Also in Swedish). In: Feiler, Dror & Feiler Sköld, Gunilla. (Eds). Snow White and the Madness of Truth. Transl. Christopher Pastorella. Stockholm. Ordfront, 2014.
”Time Stopped. The Open-air Museum Skansen of Arthur Hazelius.” In: Bak, János M., Geary, Patrick J. & Klaniczay, Gábor. (Eds.). Manufacturing a Past for the Present. Forgery and Authenticity in Medievalist Texts and Objects in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Series: National Cultivation of Culture, vol. 7. Brill, 2014.
”’Do blonds have more fun? Yes, looking in the mirror’. Mrs. Janse, arkeologens hustru.” I: Alexandersson, Henrik; Andreeff, Alexander och Bünz, Annika (Red.). Med hjärta och hjärna. En vänbok till professor Elisabeth Arwill-Nordbladh. GOTARC Series A, Gothenburg Archaeological Studies, Vol. 5, 2014.
“Historiska museet och dess narrativ.” I: Malin Grundberg, Johan Hegardt, Patrik Nordström, Fredrik Svanberg. Ett museum måste irritera. Fyra röster om historiska museet. The Swedish History Museum, Studies 24, 2015.
” Från hem till hemland: Historiens hemvist och funktionärens uppgift”, i red. Hegardt, J & Lundemo, T., Historiens hemvist III, Makadam, Stockholm 2016 (under utg.)
Helgesson, Stefan
“Ambivalent Evolution: Olive Schreiner, Euclides da Cunha and the (De)Colonising of History”, i Ers, A. & Ruin, H. (eds.), Rethinking Time: History, Memory, and Representation, Stockholm: Södertörn Philosophical Studies, 2011, pp. 217-226.
“Litteraturvetenskapen och det kosmopolitiska begäret”. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, 1, 2013: 81-94.
“Radicalizing Temporal Difference: Anthropology, Postcolonial Theory, and Literary Time”, History and Theory 53, 2014: 545-562.
“Unsettling Fictions: Generic Instability and Colonial Time”. Anders Cullhed och Lena Rydholm (red.) Fiction in Global Contexts. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015, pp. 261-274.
“Johannesburg Sighted: TJ/Double Negative and the Temporality of the Image/Text”, Safundi 16(1), 2015: 51-63.
“World Literature and the Time of Translation”. Paulo Lemos Horta (red.), The Creation of World Literature. New York: NYU Press, 2016 (under utg.).
“Den spjälkade tiden. Kolonial modernitet och litterärt berättande”, Fareld, V. & Ruin, H. Red. Historiens hemvist I: Om den historiska tidens former, Makadam, Stockholm, 2016 (under utg.)
Hornborg, Alf
”Rethinking the Industrial Revolution and the Rise of the West: Historical Contingencies and the Global Prerequisites”, i Ers, A. & Ruin, H., Rethinking Time: History, Memory and Representation, Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011, pp. 269-278.
“1812, 1912, 2012 – Three moments in the history of industrialism”. M. Nyström, red., Glimpsing paths: Being and acting in times of (un)Certainty, Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development, 2011, pp. 28-37
“Uneven development as a result of the unequal exchange of time and space: Some conceptual issues”. The Austrian Journal of Development Studies 26(4), 2011:36-52.
“The fossil interlude: Euro-American power and the return of the Physiocrats”. S. Strauss, S. Rupp och T. Love, red., Cultures of energy: Power, practices, technologies, Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, 2013, pp. 41-59.
Nollsummespelet: Teknikfetischism och global miljörättvisa, Göteborg: Daidalos, 2015.
”Osynliga tjänare utomlands”. Miljömagasinet 2015-11-13, s.2.
Global magic: Technologies of appropriation from ancient Rome to Wall Street. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016a.
”Kampen om tiden: Pengar, teknik och överlevnad”. M. Kurkiala, red., Tidens tecken., 2016b (under utgivn)
”Bondens, borgarens och världens tid: Om att gestalta sitt liv, med eller utan text”. H. Ruin och V. Fareld, red., Historiens hemvist I: Om den historiska tidens former, Makadam, Stockholm, 2016c (under utgivn.)
Huss, Markus
Tills m. U. Manns & H. Ruin, Rapport från programmet Tid, minne, representation, , Stockholm, Makadam, 2016 (under utgivn.)
”Den sjungande kometen. Begäret efter historiens ljud och (re-)produktion”, i red. Hegardt, J. & Lundemo, T, Historiens hemvist III: Medier, materialitet och minne, Stockholm, Makadam, 2016 (under utg.).
Jonsson, Stefan
”Network and Subaltern: Antinomies of Contemporary Theory”. In Ers, A. & Ruin, H. (eds), Rethinking Time: History, Memory, and Representation, Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011, pp. 189–198.
”Hannah Arendt i Weimarrepubliken”. In Anders Burman and Ulrika Björk (eds) Konsten att handla – konsten att tänka: Hannah Arendt om det politiska. Stockholm: AXL Books, 2011, ss. 129–144.
Eds. with M. Jespersen, J. Ladegaard & B. Nygaard) ”Utopi”, temanummer av K&K – Kultur og Klasse, vol 40, no. 114, 2012.
”Total teater: Samhällsutopier på scen under Weimarrepubliken”. K&K – Kultur og Klasse 46, no. 114, 2012: 77–92.
With P. Hansen, ”Imperial Origins of European Integration and the Case of Eurafrica: A Reply to Gary Marks.” Journal of Common Market Studies 50 (6), 2012: 1028–1041
“The Face of the Masses, the Gaze of the Masses: New Matrixes of historical consciousness in inter-war Europe”. Eurozine, 25 maj, 2012.
“The Contained”. Eurozine, 27 juli, 2012.
“På jakt efter de utsatta: En essä om prekariatet”. Tidskriften Arena, no. 3, 2012, 20–25.
”Vi är det enda som finns kvar: Framtidens humaniora”. In Tomas Forser and Thomas Karlsohn (eds), Till vilken nytta? En bok om humanioras möjligheter. Göteborg: Daidalos, 2013a, ss. 57–64.
Crowds and Democracy. The Idea and Image of the Masses from Revolution to Fascism, New York: Columbia University Press, 2013b.
”En kvinna och en man vid världens ände”. Ord & Bild, no. 5, 2013c: 49–57.
”Disclosing the World Order: Decolonial Gestures in the Artistic Work of Pia Arke”. Third Text. Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art & Culture, 27 (2), 2013d: 242–259.
”After Individuality: Freud’s Mass Psychology and Weimar Politics”. New German Critique, 40 (2), 2013e: 53–75.
”A Statue to Nasser? Eurafrica, the Colonial Roots of European Integration, and the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize”. Mediterranean Quarterly, 24 (4), 2013f: 5–18. [Co-authored with Peo Hansen]
Eurafrica: The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014a [Co-author: Peo Hansen.]
”Dangerous, Chaotic and Unpleasant: Crowd Theory Today”, lo Squaderno, no. 33, 2014b, 9-12.
With P. Hansen, ”Another Colonialism: Africa in the History of European Integration”. Journal of Historical Sociology, 26 (3), 2014c: 442–461.
”The World from Below: Documentary Aesthetics in the History of Realism”. Noon: An Annual Journal of Visual Culture and Art, vol. 5, 2014d.
”Forms of Collectivity: George Simmel’s Mass Theory and the Transformation of Social Philosophy in Weimar Germany”. In Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback and Luiz Carlos Pereira (eds), Time and Form: Essays on Philosophy, Logic, art, and Politics. Stockholm: Axl books, 2014e, 99–124.
”Bad Patriots: Universality, Aesthetics, and the Historicity of Democracy”. In Katarzyna Jezierska and Leszek Koczanowicz (eds), Democracy in Dialogue, Dialogue in Democracy: The Politics of Dialogue in Theory and Practice. London: Ashgate, 2015, pp. 121–138.
Samtida politisk teori. Stockholm: Tankekraft, 2015.
(ed. with Julia Willén) Austere Histories in European Societies: Social Exclusion and the Contest of Colonial Memories. London: Routledge, 2015.
”Efter individualiteten: Freuds masspsykologi och Weimarrepublikens politik”. Divan. Tidskrift för psykoanalys och kultur, Vol. 25 (1–2), 2015: 62-77.
”The Wisdom of Crowds”. TANK Magazine (London), 8 (1), 2015: 62–65.
”Das Herz des Nordens”, Wespennest: Zeitschrift für brauchbare Texte und Bilder, no. 167, 2015, 64–71.
(With P. Hansen) “Eurafrica Incognita: The Colonial Roots of the European Union”. History of the Present: A Journal of Critical History, 2016 (under utg.)
”Monstruösa historier: Utkast till protestens poetik”. In Ulla Manns & Patricia Lorenzoni (eds), Historiens hemvist II: Etik, politik och historikerns ansvar, Göteborg: Makadam, 2016 (under utg.).
Karlholm, Dan
“On the Historical Representation of Contemporary Art”. Ers, A. & Ruin, H. (eds.) Rethinking Time: Essays on History, Memory, and Representation, Huddinge. 2011, pp. 19-28.
”Review of e-flux journal What is Contemporary Art? + Lind & Velthuis (eds.), Contemporary Art and its commercial market”, Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, vol. 81, no. 3, 2012.
(Med-red.) Vad är ett museum? med Allan Kaprow och Robert Smithson, Stockholm: Axl Books, 2012
“Arte contemporáneo y práctica crítica antes y después de la modernidad” i Paula Barreiro López & Julián Díaz Sánchez (red.), Crítica(s) de arte: discrepancias e hibridaciones de la Guerra Fria a la globalización. Murcia: Cendeac, 2013.
”Review of Rosalind Krauss, Under Blue Cup (MIT Press, 2011)”, SITE 33, 2013.
“Contemporary, Now and Forever”, Review of Terry Smith, Contemporary Art: World Currents (London: Laurence King, 2011), Art History, Vol. 36, No. 1, February, 2013.
Kontemporalism: Om samtidskonstens historia och framtid. Stockholm: Axl Books, 2014a.
“Restless Culture Syndrome (RCS): On the Old Demand for the New”, Jacquelyn Davis (ed.), What Are You Working On?/Vad har du på gång? Stockholm: Valeveil Press, 2014b.
“Aesthetics: Art and Non-Art”. Review of Jacques Rancière, Aisthesis: Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art, London & New York: Verso, 2013, Art History, Vol. 37, No. 5, 2014c.
“Suecia Hodierna antiqua est: nuet är det förflutna”, i Pontus Raud (red.) Suecia Contemporare, Kalmar: Kalmar konstmuseum, 2014d.
“Filtering Futures. La Biennale di Venezia. 56th International Art Exhibition, 2015. All the World’s Futures. Artistic Director and Curator: Okwui Enwezor” Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, Vol. 84, No. 4, 2015.
“Från museum till konstmuseum till konsthall”, i Kurt Almqvist & Louise Belfrage (red.), Offentliga och privata museer i Sverige. Traditioner och visioner, Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse, Stockholm, 2015.
”After Contemporary Art: Actualization and Anachrony”, Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 2016 (under utg).
“Då: historia efter posthistoria”, i Fareld, V. & Ruin, H. Red., Historiens hemvist I: Om den historiska tidens former, Stockholm: Makadam förlag, 2016 (under utg.)
Lettevall, Rebecka
”On the historicity of concepts: The examples of patriotism and cosmopolitanism in Ellen Key”, i H. Ruin och A. Ers (red.) Rethinking Time: Essays on history, memory and representation, Stockholm: Södertörn Philosophical Studies, 2011, ss. 179–188.
Lindén, Claudia
”Temporality and Metaphoricity in Contemporary Swedish Feminist Historiography”, Ruin, H. & Ers, A., eds., Rethinking Time. Essays on History, Memory, and Representation, Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011, pp. 301-312.
”Ur led är feminismens tid. Om tidsmetaforer, otidsenlighet och gengångare i feministisk historieskrivning.” Tidskrift för genusvetenskap 3, 2012a: 5-25.
“Är historien alltid redan queer? Om Karen Blixens gotik.”,Queera läsningar red. K. Kivilaakso, A-S. Lönngren och R. Paqvalén, Stockholm: Rosenlarv förlag, 2012b.
”Hur skriver feminister genushistoria? Metaforik och temporalitet i samtida svensk feministisk historiografi.” Fält i förvandling. Genusvetenskaplig litteraturforskning, red. Eva Heggestad, Anna Williams & Ann Öhrberg, Stockholm: Gidlunds, 2013.
Med H. Ruin ”Vampyren, de odöda och historiens oro – Historiemedvetande som begär och fasa”, i Historiens hemvist I: Om den historiska tidens former, red. V. Fareld & H. Ruin, Stockholm: Makadam, 2016 (under utg.).
Lorenzoni, Patricia
”Claiming Makunaima: Colonisation, Nation, and History in the Northern Amazon”. Ruin, H. & Ers, A., eds., Rethinking Time. Essays on History, Memory, and Representation, Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011, pp. 129-138.
”Bekänna färg: Om raskvoter i Brasilien”. Glänta 1:2011: 10-15.
”Ett förebådat mord”. Glänta 1:2013.
”Om detta är en människa”. Kritiker 27:2013: 28-37.
Med C. Da Silva, ”A moldura positivista do indigenismo: A propósito do Estatuto do Índio para a proteção de povos indígenas no Brasil”. Trincheros, Muñoz, Valverde (eds.) Pueblos indígenas, Estados nacionales y Fronteras: Tensiones y paradojas de los procesos de transición contemporáneos en America Latina, Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2014: 135-174.
"Re-membering a crime: A reflection on the Galdino Jesus dos Santos Memorial in Brasilia". Bydler, Charlotte & Sjöholm, Cecilia (ed.) Regionality/Mondiality: Perspectives on Art, Aesthetics and Globalization, Södertörn Studies in Art History and Aesthetics 2, Huddinge, 2014: 131-152.
"Den som är ämnad för döden, den som är ämnad för livet: koloniala och profetiska temporaliteter", Lorenzoni, P. & Manns, U. (red.) Historiens hemvist II: Etik, politik och historikerns ansvar, Stockholm: Makadam Förlag, 2016 (under utg.)
Lundemo, Trond
”Atomic Hindsight: Technology and Visibility as Factors in Historical Periodization”, Rethinking Time: Essays on History, Memory, and Representation, red. Ruin, H. & Ers, A., Södertörn Philosophical Studies, Huddinge, 2011: 311-319.
”Planetens arkiv i massens tidsalder”, Norge i farger; Bilder fra Albert Kahns verdensarkiv, red. T. Bjorli, K. Jacobsen, Oslo: Press forlag, 2011: 217-230.
”Manifestets projektioner”, FLM, Stockholm, nr. 12, 2011, May: 44-47.
”The Image at Work (On the Movement of the Body)”, Image at Work red. H. Holmberg, G. Zachia), Stockholm: Oei editör, 2011, pp. 85-95.
”Filmen och gesternas kartläggning”, Glänta nr 1, 2011: 75-81.
”Quoting Motion: The Frame, the Shot and Digital Video”, Film, Art, New Media: The Museum Without Walls?, red. A. Dalle Vacche, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 97-114.
”’The Archives of the Planet and Montage: The Movement of the Crowd and the Rhythm of Life’”, Between Stillness and Motion; Film, Photography, Algorithm, red. E. Røssaak, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2012, pp. 205-222.
“A Temporal Perspective: Jean Epstein’s Writings on Technics and Subjectivity”, Jean Epstein. Critical Essays and New Translations, red. S. Keller, J. Paul, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2012, pp. 207-225.
”Conversion, Convergence, Conflation; Archival Networks in the Digital Turn”, The Archive, red. A. Bordina, S. Campanini, A. Mariani, Udine, Università degli studi/Forum, 2012: 177-182.
”Media Archaeology and Montage”, Lina Selander. Echo. The montage, the fossil, the sarcophagus, the x-ray, the cloud, the sound, the feral animal, the shadow, the room, and Lenin’s Lamp Glows in the Peasant’s Hut, red. H. Holmberg, Stockholm: Oei editör, 2013, pp. 11-25.
”Archives and Technological Selection&rdqu