Liviu Lutas

Narrative Metalepsis in Contemporary Literature and Literary Studies

I will conduct a theoretical and empirical study of the narrative metalepsis. The study will result in a monograph and a number of scientific articles.
The narrative metalepsis was defined in the year 1972 by French narratologist Gérard Genette as the transgression of the boundaries between different narrative levels. Genette also made a summary classification of the different types of metalepses, something which was refined later by other narratologists. Thus, the narrative metalepsis can be seen as an important element of the ”classical narratology” whose relevance for today’s literary studies is more and more put into question since the beginning of the 1990s.
Many scholars are of the opinion that narratology must give up its striving for objectivity and that it should also take contextual factors and other research disciplines into account. This is actually happening already in the so called "new narratology", which is illustrated by the increasing number of studies which combine narratology with other scientific fields, such as cognitive science, philosophy, anthropology, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, etc., or by studies from different perspectives (post-colonialism, feminism, etc.). In my study I will follow the principles of the ”new narratology” and widen the scope of the study of metalepsis by taking contextual factors into account. Thus I will analyze the following aspects of the narrative metalepsis in contemporary literature from French, Spanish and English speaking countries: ideological functions, generic aspects and pedagogical aspects.

Final report

Livia Lutas, Lund University, Språkcentrum


1. The goal of the project and changes in the goals during the time of the project
This is how the goal of the project was formulated in the application: "to conduct a theoretical and empirical study of the narrative metalepsis. The study is supposed to lead to a monograph and a number of scientific articles. Moreover, I planned to "follow the basic principles of the new narratology and broaden the study of metalepsis by taking contextual aspects into account" and "to bring together French, Anglo-Saxon and German studies in order to provide a better view of metalepsis". More precisely, I planned to analyze the ideological function, genre aspects and pedagogical aspects of metalepsis.
Jag can conclude that I have reached all the goals, and more. The only goal that was not achieved was the production of a monograph, but the big number of scientific articles that I published are probably a better way to communicate the results. This is confirmed by the fact that I succeeded to build a network, which has led to my participation in a big number of conferences and collaborations.
The most important goals that have been added are an opening towards intermedial studies, and another opening towards cognitive sciences, both of which I discuss a little more further down.
2. The three main results of the project and a reflection on them
The following results are those I consider the most important that I achieved during the work with this project:
- I have analyzed classification aspects, especially the difference between metalepsis and syllepsis. I will discuss this in relation with my publications below, in part 6, but I can mention here that the concept of "narrative syllepsis" according to my definition can be useful in many different contexts.
- I have discussed problematic aspects in the definitions of narrative metalepsis, among other things from a transmedial point of view. This means that I have studied cases of metalepsis in other media, especially in film and art.
- I have studied the didactic potential of metalepsis. I have conducted empirical studies in certain school classes of literature, which has confirmed my hypothesis that narrative metalepsis does not necessarily block reading, or immersion in the story, because of its self-reflexive dimension. On the contrary, metalepsis can even be a way to enhance learners' interest in reading. This is an aspect which would need further development and research.
3. New research questions generated by the project
As I already mentioned above, the project generated already at an early stage several new research questions. Especially the intermedial dimension became an important part in my work, since one important question that had to be addressed was whether metalepsis is a transmedial narrative device (i.e. a narrative device that can exist in different media). This is a question which I also approached from a didactic perspective, since some of the examples I studied in classroom contexts came from film. However, the most important research question was the relationship between metalepsis and syllepsis, something I will analyze more in detail in different context in the future. Last but not least, the study of the classroom examples demanded the application of cognitive aspects to metalepsis, something which has led to international contacts with researchers working in what is commonly called "cognitive narratology" (Karin Kukkonen, Marco Caracciolo, Federico Pianzola, but also the eye-tracking department at Lund University). This is also a possible future research project.
4. The project's international dimension
I have presented my research project at a number of conferences and for a number of different research groups, as well as in different international publications (see the publication list). The project has been well received, and has generated much discussion, especially within the framework of the two main research associations for narrative studies: ISSN (The International Society for the Study of Narrative) and ENN (European Narratology Network), but even within ISIS (International Society for Intermedial Studies). Thanks to this project, I have established contacts with a great number of researchers from different countries working on narrative metalepsis, and I will participate in different international collaborations, especially in narrative and intermedial studies.
5. Measures taken in order to spread information outside the academic field
I have presented my research project especially in schools, both at upper secondary level and at university level. I have tried to integrate my research in my teaching. I have participated at different workshops for upper secondary teachers, where I have presented narrative metalepsis as a possible way to enhance the learners' interest in literary studies.
6. The project's two main publications and a reflection on them
- Probably the most important publication is an article in French about narrative syllepsis: "Sur la syllepse narrative - Un concept théorique négligé" (21 pages). It was published in the prestigious French journal Poétique, by Seuil in Paris (2011). My research on metalepsis gave me the possibility to make a thorough analysis of a narrative device which despite the lack of theoretical attention is frequently used in literature, film, art and other media. Besides, thanks to its temporal dimension, narrative syllepsis has the potential to represent the past in interesting ways. In my article, I focus on two films and on two literary works where narrative syllepsis is used to represent atrocious events in the characters' past.
- Another important publication is a chapter in a book, in English: "Narrative Metalepsis in Detective Fiction"(23 pages), published in the anthology "Metalepsis in Popular Fiction" in De Gruyter's prestigious series "Narratologia". The study contributes to the research on metalepsis in popular literature. The subject is relatively unexplored, since metalepsis had mostly been studied in relation to so called "high literature". The different chapters in this anthology study how narrative metalepsis is used in different popular genres and media, such as fantasy, film, TV series, comics, fan fiction, pop music, children's literature and detective fiction. My contribution is about how metalepsis is used in detective fiction, something that had not been studied before.
7. Publication Strategy.
I have published my results in different Swedish and international journals, in French, English and Swedish (see publication list). The university libraries from Lund and Linnaeus in Växjö have helped me see to it that most of the publications are available on the internet. In some cases (De Gruyter), the publishing company has not agreed on publishing online, and in the latest cases I have to wait a period of time after the publication date before the articles are made available on the internet.

- 2014, “Teori i litteraturundervisning på gymnasiet – tre klassrumsexempel”, i Persson, Anders & Johansson, Roger (red.), Vetenskapliga perspektiv på lärande, undervisning och utbildning i olika institutionella sammanhang – utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning vid Lunds universitet, Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap, Lunds universitet, p. 127-144.
ISBN: 978-91-7473-862-9 (tryck); 978-91-7473-863-6 (pdf )
- 2013, “Adaptation as a Means of Reflecting upon Immersivity and Self-Referentiality”, EKPHRASIS. Images, Cinema, Theatre, Media, Vol. 10, Issue 2/2013, Cluj, p. 110-124.
- 2013, “Metalepsis Out of Bounds”, MED SAARTJE GOBYN. In Enthymema, Rivista internazionale di critica, teoria e filosofia della letteratura, nr. 9, 2013, p. 157-162.
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- 2012, “Ceau&#537;escu och litteraturen. Mellan antisovjetism och personkult", i Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, volym: 2012/3 årgång 114, tema: Politik och litteratur,
förlag: Fahlbeckska stiftelsen med stöd av Vetenskapsrådet, s. 385-400. ISSN: 0039-0747
- 2012, "Les technologies de l'information et de la communication dans l'enseignement de la littérature - l'exemple d'un lycée suédois", i tidskriften Meridian Critic, volym: XVIII, nr. 1, Editura Universitatii Suceava , s. 75-90. ISSN: 2069-6787
- 2012, ”Sur la syllepse narrative – Un concept théorique négligé”, i  Poétique – revue de théorie et d’analyse littéraires, nr 168, Paris, Seuil, s. 445-466. ISBN: 2021040275
- 2012,  ”La syllepse narrative vue dans une perspective didactique”. Presenterad inom ramen för XVIIIe Congrès des romanistes scandinaves, Göteborgs Universitet, 9-12 augusti 2011. Publicerad i Eva Ahlstedt, Ken Benson, Elisabeth Bladh, Ingmar Söhrman och Ulla Åkerström (eds), Förlag: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, serien Romanica Gothoburgensia, volym: 69, s. 494-502. ISSN: 0080-3863 ELLER  ISBN: 978-91-7346-732-2.
- 2011,  ”Literature, ICT and Globalization – Using Glogster in Teaching Francophone Literature”, in Proceedings from the 4th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, s. 5523-5532.  ISBN: 978-84-615-3324-4.
- 2011,  ”Literary Theory in Swedish Upper Secondary School – Classroom Examples”, in Proceedings from the 4th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, s. 5533-5542. ISBN: 978-84-615-3324-4.
 - 2011, ” « Paradoxalt berättande » i litteraturundervisning på gymnasiet”, i Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, 2011:3-4, Föreningen för utgivandet av Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, s. 131-144. ISSN: 1104-0556.
- ** 2011,  ”Narratology in Classroom: Using Narrative Metalepsis in Teaching Literature at Upper Secondary Level, in Critical Discourse and Linguistic Variation, Editura Universitatii Stefan cel Mare, Suceava, s. 131-144. ISBN 978-666-372-7.
- ** 2011, ”Narrative Metalepsis in Detective Fiction”, i Klimeck, Sonia § Kukkonen, Karin (eds.),  Metalepsis in Popular Fiction, Series: Narratologia / Contributions to Narrative Theory 28, Berlin, De Gruyter, s. 41-64. ISBN 978-3-11-025278-1.

Konferensbidrag (ej publicerade, urval):
- “Producing Knowledge by Relating Form and Meaning: Intermedial Relations in the Narratives of Juan García Ponce and Marie Ndiaye”. Presenterat inom ramen för konferensen Narrative Matters 2014: Narrative Knowing/ Récit et Savoir. The 7th Narrative Matters conference. 23-27 juni 2014, University of Paris Diderot.
- “The Body as a Parchment in Literature, Cinema and Painting”. Presenterat inom panelen Intermediality inom ramen för konferensen Bodies in Between: Corporeality and Visuality from Historical Avant-garde to Social Media,  29-31 maj 2014, Department of Cinematography and Media, Faculty of Theatre and Television, “Babe&#351;-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien.
- Moderator på konferensen Intermediality inom ramen för konferensen Bodies in Between: Corporeality and Visuality from Historical Avant-garde to Social Media,  29-31 maj 2014, Department of Cinematography and Media, Faculty of Theatre and Television, “Babe&#351;-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien. Jag modererade panelen “Poetics of the Body”, 29 maj 2014.
- “Who Is “the Other”?: Paradoxical Encounter or Ambiguous Enunciation in “El Otro”. Presenterat inom panelen The Lying Author: Jorge Luis Borges in Cambridge, MA. Som jag även modererade. Inom ramen för konferensen 2014 International Conference on Narrative. March 27-29 2014 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge USA.
- “Using the Bible to Highlight Materiality: the Case of Peter Greenaway’s Film Goltzius and the Pelican Company”, Rethinking Intermediality in the Digital Age, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transilvania, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien, 2013-10-24–26.
- “Questioning ekphrasis by using eye-tracking technique”, med Carla Cariboni Killander,  Rethinking Intermediality in the Digital Age, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transilvania, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien, 2013-10-24–26.
- ”Nya metoder och gamla begrepp – Hur eye-tracking-tekniken kan användas inom intermediala studier”, Mediespaningsdagen, Kulturanatomen, Lund, 2013-10-18.
- “A Three-Fold Adaptation: the Old Testament in Peter Greenaway’s Film Goltzius and the Pelican Company”, Disturbing Adaptations. The 8th Annual Conference of the Association of Adaptation Studies, Linnéuniversitetet, 2013-10-26–27.
- “Virtual Worlds and Paradoxical Narration: a Transmedial Perspective on Classification Aspects”, Narrative Minds and Virtual Worlds, Tammerfors, 2013-05-21–22.
- “Metalepsis and History – The Example of Three Francophone Writers”, Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Toward Consolidation or Diversification?, Paris, 2013-03-29–30.
- “Cinematic Ekphrasis and its Narrative Implications”, med Carla Cariboni Killander, Emerging Vectors of Narratology: Toward Consolidation or Diversification?, Paris, 2013-03-29–30.
- ”Mircea C&#259;rtarescu en suédois – naturalisation ou exotisation ? – un exemple de traduction et de réception de la littérature roumaine en Suède”, International Conference on Romance Languages – In Memoriam Alf Lombard, Lund, 2012-11-7–8.
- ”Metalepsis and Participation in Games of Make-Believe ”, How to Make Believe. The Fictional Truths of the Representational Arts, Lund, 2012-03-15–17.
- ”Teaching Narratology Using Framebreaking Devices”, Teaching Narrative and Teaching through Narrative, Tammerfors, 2011-05-25–28.

Grant administrator
Lunds universitet
Reference number
SEK 1,568,000
Modern Languages