Strategy and structure of entrepreneurial universities in the Nordic countries
The external pressures on universities to become more flexible, adaptive and responsive to the needs of the society have been strong the last two decades. New national policies, legal frameworks and financial means have been introduced to enable the development of a more responsive university. The transformation of universities to become more proactive and entrepreneurial together with the development of a third role, besides research and education, for universities making them responsible for putting research and educational knowledge into use, has been labeled the “entrepreneurial university” (Clark, 1998). In this project we propose to investigate 20 Nordic universities’ (12 older and “Humboldtian” universities and 8 institutes of technology) development into entrepreneurial universities. As the institutional and economic environment differ in the four Nordic countries the university resource- and capability-base for commercialization and innovation could be assumed to differ and thus to result in different university strategies, structures and performance making comparative case studies of interest. The aim of the research program is to increase the empirical knowledge regarding the Nordic universities development into entrepreneurial universities. Theoretically we aim to develop the resource- and capability view of the firm to the university organization with a focus on the university’s entrepreneurial role.
Lars Bengtsson, Lund University
The aim of the research project is to increase the empirical knowledge regarding the Nordic universities development into entrepreneurial universities. Theoretically we aim to develop the resource- and capability view of the firm to the university organization with a focus on the university's entrepreneurial role.
The three most important results
1) Barriers and policy changes to facilitate and encourage research commercialization and educational collaboration.
The report "What's entrepreneurial universities and" best practice? "(Bengtsson, 2011) reported a research overview, including my own contribution, also presented a few my own and other case studies. The study identifies a number of barriers to research commercialization, both current legislation and the university's internal factors. A number of policy recommendations are provided to facilitate and stimulate research commercialization. A similar research overview is done by the universities' educational activities in the report "Educational Collaboration for jobs, innovation and entrepreneurship" (Bengtsson, 2013b). Also here is a review of the research, including my own contributions, and a number of own case studies, plus the identification of barriers to increased educational collaboration and policy recommendations to improve the situation.
2) Identification, comparison and case studies of the Nordic universities' entrepreneurial strategies and structures. A comparative analysis of the 20 universities formal strategies and structures for regional development and innovation. The analysis has been presented in two conference presentations / proceedings (Bengtsson, 2012a; 2012b). A discovery in these initial studies was that the technical universities are the most active in the field and educational side showed significantly more activity than I expected. It was therefore further studies of these and special activities on the education side has been highlighted (Bengtsson, 2013a; 2015).
3) Comparative analysis and policy implications of the Scandinavian university commercialization strategies and structures. The project compared the three Scandinavian countries' academic commercialization systems, Denmark and Norway, which removed the exemption for teachers since 10-15 years back, and Sweden, which retained the exemption for teachers. Swedish University's commercialization system stimulates academic entrepreneurship and start-up of new businesses. In Denmark and Norway, the systems are primarily organized to support the transfer to established companies through licensing. Preliminary results have been presented in Bengtsson (2014) and the final reported in (Bengtsson, submitted).
Publikationslista, samt länkar till webbsidor där publikationerna kan hämtas
1) Bengtsson, L (2011) Vad är entreprenöriella universitet och ”best practice?” Stockholm, Entreprenörskapsforum.
2) Bengtsson, L (2012a) European universities and regional economic development – A survey of Nordic universities and their entrepreneurial strategies, paper presented at The 14th annual SNEE conference European Integration in Swedish Economic Research at Mölle, Sweden 22-25 May 2012.
/Tyvärr inte tillgänglig längre pga publikationsprobem, se publiceringsstrategi/
3) Bengtsson, L (2012b) Nordic universities – do they have any entrepreneurial objectives and strategies?, In Bernhard, I (Ed.) Uddevalla Symposium 2012 -Entrepreneurship and Innovation Networks,Research reports 2012:02, Univ West sid 63-78.
4) Bengtsson, L (2013a) Educational Collaboration at Nordic Technical Universities – How is it Performed and does it affect Innovation and Entrepreneurship? INTED, Valencia, 4-6 March.
5) Bengtsson, L (2013b) Utbildningssamverkan – för jobb, innovation och företagande. Almega Kommunikation.
6) Bengtsson, L (2014) Comparing University-Ownership Technology Transfer Systems With University-Inventor Technology Transfer Systems In Scandinavian Universities – A Question Of Focusing On Licensing Or Spin-Off Business Models? Academic Proceedings 2014 University-Industry Interaction Conference: Challenges and Solutions for Fostering Entrepreneurial Universities and Collaborative Innovation, Barcelona, April.
7) Bengtsson, L (2015) University Strategies for Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship – A Comparison of Four Nordic Universities, INTED, Madrid, 2-4 March.
8) Bengtsson, L (kommande under 2015) Universitetsforskning och öppen innovation, i Lakemond, N och Tell, F (red) Öppen Innovation, Studentlitteratur, Lund. /Kommer att skickas in till RJ när den är utgiven/
9) Bengtsson, L (submitted) Governance of university technology transfer – A comparison of technology-transfer regimes. (Intended for publication in Research Policy). Om det accepteras kommer jag att söka om open-access-bidrag.