Pauli Kortteinen

Verbal semantic fields in contrast

The aim of this study is to survey and describe the use of cognitive verbs, psychological verbs and verbs of social interaction in Swedish and to map their French equivalents. Many of these verbs are components of the Swedish language - they are polysemous verbs of high frequency and alongside their prototypical uses they also have many metaphorical, lexicalised and grammaticalised uses with no straightforward lexical equivalents in French. The verbs will be studied on the basis of a Swedish-French parallel corpus containing Swedish original texts with their French translations and French original texts with their Swedish translations. Because the corpus contains both original texts and their translations it is possible to observe significant differences in frequency between the verbs in the original texts and in the translated texts. In this study stylistic phenomena such as translationese, overuse and underuse will thus be identified, presented and described.
Grant administrator
University of Gothenburg
Reference number
SEK 1,539,000
Modern Languages