Do Welfare Regimes Matter? Migration and Care/domestic work in two institutional contexts, Sweden and Spain: A Multi-Tier Design
There has been a growing demand for care/domestic work across European societies filled by a supply of migrant workers, many of whom are undocumented
working in the informal market. Within this ostensible convergence in transnational migration and care/domestic work, there is heterogeneity and diversity reflected in the patterns in formal/informal care markets and the regulation in the employment and conditions of work of migrants. Using the cases of Spain andSweden, which exemplify different welfare/care regimes and policy legacies, we examine how institutional frameworks shape the conditions of migrantcare/domestic workers in their daily interactions with employers as well as the inclusionary and exclusionary processes that promote or deny them social membership in the receiving society. We use a multi-tier design linking transnational and institutional/contextual levels with everyday experiences and practices in migrant care/domestic work. Our analysis includes a mapping of policy changes in emergent markets for care/domestic work and the regulation of migrant care/domestic workers, interviewing key actors involved in policy debates and formulation. We employ quantitative and qualitative methods and access a range of rich data sources: two national comparable migration surveys and tax/employment registers, internet websites and employment agencies and firms. We will conduct semi-structured interviews with migrant care/domestic workers and their employers.
working in the informal market. Within this ostensible convergence in transnational migration and care/domestic work, there is heterogeneity and diversity reflected in the patterns in formal/informal care markets and the regulation in the employment and conditions of work of migrants. Using the cases of Spain andSweden, which exemplify different welfare/care regimes and policy legacies, we examine how institutional frameworks shape the conditions of migrantcare/domestic workers in their daily interactions with employers as well as the inclusionary and exclusionary processes that promote or deny them social membership in the receiving society. We use a multi-tier design linking transnational and institutional/contextual levels with everyday experiences and practices in migrant care/domestic work. Our analysis includes a mapping of policy changes in emergent markets for care/domestic work and the regulation of migrant care/domestic workers, interviewing key actors involved in policy debates and formulation. We employ quantitative and qualitative methods and access a range of rich data sources: two national comparable migration surveys and tax/employment registers, internet websites and employment agencies and firms. We will conduct semi-structured interviews with migrant care/domestic workers and their employers.