The consequences of poverty
This project is a comprehensive analysis of the consequences of poverty, studying a wide range of consequences using various definitions of poverty. The analyses concern long- and short-term consequences on social relations, social participation, health and mental well-being among adults, youth and children, and even longer term consequences of childhood poverty on education and incomes in adulthood. To cover a wide range of outcomes, the project uses several survey data and register data sources. All data are longitudinal, giving a better potential to draw causal conclusions than previous studies on the subject. The analyses of different outcomes will also address several questions of relevance for the theoretical and conceptual discussion about poverty, e.g., which kind of poverty that is relevant in predicting negative consequences in Sweden today, and whether relative poverty is more strongly related to negative outcomes if it is defined on another level than the usual national one. The project also asks whether consequences are particularly severe of long-term poverty, and if they vary with other characteristics (e.g. gender, ethnicity, source of income). From both a gender and a child perspective, it is important to compare the consequences of poverty in terms of own resources with the consequences of poverty based on household resources.