Surnames in the Melting Pot; How immigrated surnames are integrated in the present-day Swedish surname stock.
Today, nearly every fifth Swedish citizen is born outside Sweden or have parents who are both born abroad. Of course, this has had an influence on the Swedish stock of surnames. New names, from languages with different sets of phonemes and different phonotactics, sometimes also written in a different alphabet, follow their bearers to a new country and come into use in a new society. Naturally, this has an influence on the names. Sounds and sound combinations unknown to Swedish are simplified and diacritics are left out. This project investigates this adaptation, which is both interesting as a scientific topic and essential to the Swedish name care. Many of the surnames of foreign origin have thousands of bearers in present-day Sweden, and will be a part of the Swedish name stock also in the future. Purely practical questions, such as the transcription of names written with other alphabets, names with different forms for men and women and names with letters that the Swedish national registration system cannot manage, will also be looked at. This is of practical use for the government agencies in handling the names. Finally, since there is of course an intimate connection between names and identity, the results of this project is important also for the name bearers themselves.