Decolonisation and Revivalism: The Role of Laestadianism in Contemporary Sámi and Tornedalian Texts.
The project uses perspectives from postcolonial and indigenous studies. This produces new knowledge about transformations of the nation, the identity politics of minorities and alternative historiography. Research has shown that ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples have been marginalised in nation-building. The project is important as it produces new interpretations of Sámi and Tornedalian cultural mobilisation by establishing connections with indigenous and postcolonial studies.
During the project period, January 2016 December 2017, I have worked with a book manuscript which was published in the series Northern Studies Monographs at the end of the research period. The series is published by Umeå University and the Royal Skyttean Society. The title of the volume is "Lars Levi Laestadius in the Contested Field of Cultural Heritage: A Study of Contemporary Sámi and Tornedalian Texts" (ISBN 978-91-7601-827-9). The book is published both open access on the Internet and in print. Large parts of the manuscript are based on previous research which I carried out when I ran the project "Tornedalian Textual Landscapes", Tromsö University, 2008 2011, and when contributing to the conference New Narratives of the Postcolonial Arctic, Roskilde University in 2015. Furthermore, I contributed to a symposium with Laestadius researchers in Tromsö in 2015. An article entitled "Situatedness and Diversity: Representations of Lars Levi Laestadius and Laestadianism" has been published in Kult 14, 2016: New Narratives of the Postcolonial Arctic, p. 90-110, Furthermore, a thematic issue of Norsk misjonsvitenskaplig forskning (nr 2-3, 2016) was published in the aftermath of the Tromsö symposium, including my article "Exotifierande skildringar av laestadianismen kontra personliga minnen och antikolonial kritik. Höijer, Ranta-Rönnlund och Den tornedalsfinska litteraturen om Isak Juntti", p. 16-28.
During the project period I have co-operated with the international research group Lars Levi Laestadius: MCHO (Making Cultural Heritage Online) consisting of researchers from Norway, Sweden and Finland. It has been of great value for me to get response on my project from historians and researchers in the field of religious studies who have an expertise in the field of Laestadian studies. We had several Skype-meetings aiming at promoting further research and joint activities. In 2017 I visited Tromsö twice in order to present work in progress. In May I presented the project at a research seminar and at a workshop arranged by the Border Poetics-group. In September I had a presentation at the international conference "Indigenous Photography Studies: Current Developments and Challenges", Tromsö University. The conference was arranged as part of the project "Negotiating History: Photography in Sami Culture", funded by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR). The topic of my presentation was Nils Aslak Valkeapää's and Sara Ranta Rönnlund's use of photographs. During the project period I also wrote an article about Sara Ranta Rönnlund for Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon. Sara Ranta Rönnlund is one of the authors discussed in the volume Lars Levi Laestadius in the Contested Field of Cultural Heritage: A Study of Contemporary Sámi and Tornedalian Texts.
During the project period work in progress was also presented at research seminars at Swedish universities: in May 2017 at Gothenburg University, in August 2017 at the Hugo Valentin Centre, Uppsala University, and in December at Umeå University. At the final stage of the project period the book manuscript was peer reviewed and proof read. In accordance with the time schedule the book Lars Levi Laestadius in the Contested Field of Cultural Heritage: A Study of Contemporary Sámi and Tornedalian Texts was published in January 2018.