Helene Frichot

Environment-Worlds: Ficto-Critical Approaches to Writing-Architecture

Ficto-criticism combines techniques of fiction and critical theory with the aim of challenging assumptions about our contemporary social and political milieus. Although fiction is never obliged to be faithful to reality, when combined with the emancipatory potential of criticism it holds the power to disrupt habitual ways of seeing and acting amidst our everyday lives, a large part of which are composed of the material and ecological relations of our constructed worlds, or 'environment-worlds'. This research brings ficto-criticism together with experimental approaches to architecture as a world-making or constructive practice. My aim during this sabbatical is to complete a manuscript dedicated to how the method of ficto-criticism can be applied to architectural design research, including the role that critical and creative writing can play in architecture. This is a transdisciplinary proposal that draws on architectural theory and innovative design practices, philosophy and literary theory, and explorative writing practices. During the sabbatical I propose to visit the Writing and Society Research Institute, UWS, Sydney, Australia, and make shorter research visits to schools of architecture in London and Edinburgh, UK, where experimental approaches to writing about, for and through architecture are currently being explored.
Grant administrator
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Reference number
SEK 1,143,000
RJ Sabbatical