Jonas Ingvarsson

The Queen s Diadem, a digital platform

The aim of this project is to develop a digital platform that presents and orchestrates Carl Jonas Love Almqvist's novel Drottningens Juvelsmycke (1834, The Queen's Diadem, trans. 1992). Inspiration for this project is the successful adaptation developed by Touch Press (2011) of T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land. In this Ipad app, The Waste Land is presented in a multifacetted, profound, yet commersially succesfull way. Our project will take this a bit further and develop a digital platform that also make use of gamification. The University of Skövde, where the project will be based, is in the forefront of research within gamification of cultural heritage.

Drottningens Juvelsmycke is not only one of the most prominent works in Swedish literature, it also alludes richly to the historical and documentary background of the novel (the murder of Gustaf III). The novel could be described as a multmodal work, mixing letters, omniscient narrating, dramatized dialogue, music scores and newspaper notices, and also contain many different genres. The project will take into account dramatized versions as well as previous research. To orchestrate all this in a digital milieu will be an exciting and important challenge.

The project will involve two researchers, Jonas Ingvarsson from the University of Skövde and Cecilia Lindhé from The Centre for Digital Humanities, Gothenburg University, and an app. programmer, Alexander Karlsson, from the company Solutions Skövde.
Grant administrator
University of Gothenburg
Reference number
SEK 400,000
Communication Projects
General Literature Studies