Gustav Lidén

Local Immigration and Integration Policy

This book project sets out to study local migration policy in Sweden before, under, and after the European migrant crisis of 2015. Sweden has long since been internationally known as a destination country sought by immigrants, and the crisis has been given increasing international attention due to the substantial admission of people on the run. However, if the reception of immigrants has been disproportionate among European countries, it has been at least as unequal among Swedish municipalities. Drawing from several years of previous research, the project aims to examine governance structures of local immigration and integration policies among Swedish municipalities and to describe and explain the differences in the output of such policies. Comparisons are made spatially between municipalities and temporally before and after the crisis and its associated policy changes. This publication will have the methodological advantages of examining and explaining local policy in a great number of cases, specifically the 290 local Swedish governments, and will do so over time. It will include both statistical analyses to provide general illustrations and explanatory models and qualitative analyses on selected case studies. The examination of a unique event can provide a broader theoretical contribution and knowledge to assist further study within this area and in policy and public administration.
Final report
In the project local immigration and integration policy, I studied the local level in Sweden before, during and after the 2015 European migrant crisis. The support I received made it possible to finalise the monography Local Migration Policy – Governance Structures and Policy Output in Swedish Municipalities. The book is co-authored with Jon Nyhlén and published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Sweden has been described internationally as an interesting country in terms of migration policy. Sweden has long been globally recognised as a host country where immigrants seek refuge, and since the 2015 crisis, it has gained increased international attention due to its extensive reception of displaced people. However, the importance of the local level has not been systematically studied in relation to the Swedish case. With the growing trend of studies on migration policy at the local level, I found it particularly motivating to shed light on the Swedish situation by contributing an international publication.

Research design and vantage points

I applied central vantage points to the design of the project.

First, the study draws on the advantages of a simultaneous examination of migration policy. In the field, integrated studies of both immigration policy (i.e. the reception of immigrants and its regulation) and integration policy (i.e. policy that aims to support the establishment of immigrants in the new society) are unusual. As these two aspects of policy should be considered highly interdependent, this design implies a much more precise analysis than what otherwise would have been possible.

Second, another aspect concerns the distinction between the governance of policy and its results. How policy is reached and governed is examined in the book through the study of the many involved actors and their cooperation. In addition, analyses are completed regarding which policy is delivered in the end.

The publication has the methodological advantage of examining and explaining local policy in a vast number of cases across the 290 municipalities of Sweden and has done so over a longer timeframe. Furthermore, governance at the different political levels has been analysed through interviews with certain central informants. The analyses at the municipal level comprised both statistical elements to reach general illustrations and explanatory models and qualitative analyses based on specific case studies. The material that these case studies draw on encompasses interviews and documents studies of each case.

Main results

A number of core results are presented in the publication. Overall, the steering of migration policy in Sweden can be noted as having moved towards a more complex multilevel governance in which actors from different levels and sectors have become increasingly involved. During the examined time period, a stronger governmental grip can also be observed but one in which municipalities do what they can to maintain or develop new initiatives to ensure their own discretion.

Local immigration policy has been characterised by substantive variations across municipalities, where smaller municipalities with an already challenging labour market have allowed for a larger reception of immigrants. However, more evident government steering has levelled some differences in municipal reception but with the cost of harshly circumventing local autonomy.

Correspondingly, differences have emerged in how ambitious the country’s municipalities consider the formation of their local integration policy in the areas of the labour market, education and housing issues. Substantial variations also exist in the extent to which individuals succeed in becoming established in the municipalities. The case studies make evident that there are various perceptions on immigrants, which have repercussions on the policies pursued.

Primary conclusions

The governance of local immigration and integration policies developed in opposing ways during the examined time period. This has resulted in a policy area in which the two aspects of local migration policy are in a state of disharmony. This is unfortunate considering how closely connected they are. If municipalities are given diminishing influence over reception policy, their possibility of facilitating immigrants’ integration is also obstructed.

Based on the project, the theoretical framework can be refined in at least two ways. The partisan dimension of local migration policy should be given greater attention. This has its background in the increasing politicisation of the question. Significant differences in standpoints can be seen locally across parties. Another way to strengthen the theoretical vantage points is to give room to discuss how the internal organisation of the matter is handled within municipal organisations. This refers to relations between public officials and politicians as well as competition between different units within the administration.

Finally, a conclusion can be reached that stretches beyond the specific policy area. Considering the relationship between the involved actors, it is evident that such relations are complex but also most changeable. Implemented reforms can influence such a dynamic but can produce results that differ from the intentions of the legislator.

International exchange and dissemination of results

The project enabled a visit as guest researcher at GRITIM (an interdisciplinary research environment with a focus on immigration) at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. The visit was most valuable for the finalisation of the book. I had the opportunity to present a manuscript at a seminar, which elicited insightful comments from leading scholars within the field. I also participated in other activities and seminars arranged by either GRITIM or the department that proved to be valuable for both this project and subsequent research. My time in Barcelona also secured a stronger network and new and important contacts that will enable future research cooperation. A concrete example is a personal invitation to a special issue that later resulted in a published article.

The book has been presented both in academic situations (Uppsala University, Stockholm University and Linköping University) and for the interested public. Regarding the latter, I made a television appearance for the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company. A number of debate articles have also been written in the area and published in media that communicated with decision makers within this subject (Dagens Samhälle and Liberal Debatt).

The work with the book has also laid the foundation for future studies. Together with scholars from Uppsala University and Linköpings University I have finalised a scientific article that proceeds with one of the themes from the book project, namely, standpoints of municipalities regarding the supply of housing for allotted immigrants. Here, great variations can be noticed related to prior experiences of reception, the situation in the labour and housing markets and local political governance. Together with a scholar from Stockholm University, I have extended another of the themes of the book: the integration and coordination of the governance of migration policy in Sweden. This manuscript has been presented at several conferences and is ready to be submitted to journals.
Grant administrator
Mid Sweden University Campus Sundsvall
Reference number
SEK 843,000
RJ Sabbatical
Political Science (excluding Public Administration Studies and Globalization Studies)