Jenny Ingridsdotter

Settlement and Dispossession Entangled: Swedish Migration to Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia

This project focuses on Swedish migration to Latin America in the early 20th century, contributing empirically and theoretically to various fields. The main purpose is to discuss how migration, settlement and dispossession became entangled in everyday life of settler societies. In order to do this, we pursue archival threads of social interactions between Swedish settlers and Indigenous Peoples. Through ethnological methods we investigate the settler perspectives on these interactions by analyzing accounts and written memories from first generation settlers. We also look at newspaper articles addressing Swedish settlement in Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia during the period studied. The empirical material will give us insight into how first-generation Swedish settlers made sense of their everyday interactions and how social dynamics were interpreted in the settlers´ new environment. First, the project will produce new knowledge about the life and daily social interactions between Swedish migrants and Indigenous Peoples in the border region between Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia during the years 1903-1940. This gives us situated knowledge about how Swedish migrants – intentionally or not – formed part of settler colonial processes in the Americas. Secondly, the study contributes theoretically to emerging scholarship that connects fields seldom studied in intersection; migration history, settler colonialism, and Indigenous studies.
Grant administrator
Umeå University
Reference number
SEK 4,319,000
RJ Projects