Maria Johansson

Increased attractiveness in the Building and Construction Programme – a collaborative project with The Swedish Construction Industry Training Board

Interest in Vocational Education and Training has declined in Sweden since the 1980s. At that time 70% of school leavers took a vocational track. Today the figure is around 30%, the lowest in the European Union. The decrease is particularly significant in male-dominated programs such as the Building and Construction Programme (BCP), with local variations in the country's municipalities. Against this background the project aims at contributing with knowledge about views of VET held by stakeholders, and more specifically how these affect the attractiveness of BCP. Furthermore, the intention is to come up with suggestions on how attractiveness could be increased through the analysis of local success factors. The project uses mixed methods: Quantitative methods contribute to a background description, and qualitative methods to deepen the understanding of success factors. VET takes place across institutional boundaries, and its attractiveness is affected by factors as regulation, the norms that surround it, and by local interpretations. Thus, a framework based on new institutional theories is used. The project focuses on cooperation and quality. Cooperation is essential between the Construction Industry Training Board and academia. This is because of the importance to the quality in VET of cooperation between construction companies, students, and school representatives. The project focuses on quality by involving many stakeholders and by being well grounded in current research.
Grant administrator
Byggbranschens yrkesnämnd
Reference number
SEK 885,000
RJ Flexit