Multiple injustices of Climate Change Governance: Ecological Feminist Perspectives
The proposed project Multiple injustices of Climate Change Governance: Ecological Feminist Perspectives synthesizes and builds on my previous research on the relevance of thinking feminism in climate change governance. It will be conducted through a book project, a monograph which allows for an in-depth, reflexive elaboration on how feminist scholarship can further understandings of equity, equality and justice dimensions of climate change governance. It responds to questions raised previously in my work on climate change governance and on the green state. The overarching questions for the book are: Why is it important to apply feminist theory in studying climate change governance? What kind of feminist theoretical frameworks are relevant and how can they be used to provide useful knowledge to further efficient and democratic climate change governance? The sabbatical project will be supported by international collaboration organized through two longer visits, to the University of Manchester in the UK and to the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The purpose of the visits is to share research in a for me new international context and get valuable input to move it forward. The visits will also build new networks deemed beneficial for my research group well beyond the sabbatical.