RJ collaborates with prominent institutes for advanced studies
The Riksbank's Jubileumsfond has begun an in-depth collaboration with several institutes for advanced studies. Now the foundation wants to draw the attention of Swedish researchers to the possibility of staying at the institutes.
As part of the foundation's endeavor to strengthen the internationalization of Swedish research in the humanities and social sciences, RJ is developing its collaboration with a number of institutes for advanced studies. The aim is to make it possible for Swedish HS researchers to stay in outstanding research environments and to promote long-term international contacts. In a first step, the following three institutes will be part of the collaboration: Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University (CASBS), L'Institut d'études avancées de Paris (IEA de Paris) and The Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS).
More detailed information about the collaboration will be presented this autumn.
Even now, RJ wants to draw the attention of Swedish researchers to the possibility of independently applying to the three institutes through their regular fellowship program.
STIAS: https://stias.ac.za/fellowships/individual/
IEA de Paris: https://www.paris-iea.fr/en/apply/calls-for-applications/residences-de-recherche-a-l-iea-de-paris-en-2023-2024
CASBS: https://casbs.stanford.edu/apply-casbs-fellowship
For questions regarding the announcements above, we refer to resdpective institute.
For questions regarding RJ's collaboration with the institutes, contact the research secretaries Fredrik Lundmark and Robert Hamrén.