Instructions for applications
The following instructions apply to RJ's regular forms of support, i.e. RJ Projects, RJ Programmes, RJ Infrastructure for Research, RJ Research Initiation, RJ Sabbatical and RJ Flexit.
Other special calls for applications may have partly different instructions, in which case these are specified in the wording of the call.
RJ publishes details of grants awarded on The information is taken from the respective online applications and, for each, includes the project manager’s name, amount approved, grant administrator, project title and a summary.
The application system in general
- For every application, one person (the applicant) must be primarily responsible and represent the project in all contacts with RJ.
- You can fill in the various parts of the application in any order you choose.
- The right-hand column often contains brief instructions or an information button.
- All the details you fill in are saved when you leave the page. This applies to every page except the ones where buttons for Spara (save) or Skapa (create) are provided.
- If you stop working in the system for 60 minutes, you are automatically logged out. The details entered on the page concerned will then be lost.
- Use only the system’s own navigation buttons: Tillbaka (back), Skapa (create), Spara (save), Återgå (return) etc.
Registering as a user
Click on New user.
Forgotten/changed email address
Contact a Research manager
If you have changed your email address, log in with your old email address, click on Personal details, and register your new email address.
Forgotten password
Click on Reset/change password.
Personal details
When you register as a user, you must fill in your personal details. Click on Personal details. Click on HEI/Organization to register your academic institution. Registered users can update only their own personal information, including academic title. For individuals without a Swedish personal identification number, provide the birth date: YYYY-MM-DD.
Main page
The main page shows all applications for which you have applied or are participating in and your personal and address details. Here, you can add to or change your address and create a new application.
Creating an application
- It is important to choose the right open call. Otherwise, your application will not be evaluated.
- The title of the research project should be worded so that even people outside the specialist field can get an idea of what the project is about. Enter the Swedish title here.
- Click on Skapa.
- The main page comes up, with the new application and its reference number.
- Open the application by clicking on its reference number and then on Öppna.
One of several pages to be filled in is now shown.
Sammanfattning (summary)
Fill in all fields (adapt according to the respective call).
Bidragsförvaltare (grant administrator)
Select grant administrator from the list. If the name is not included in the list, click on Grant administrator missing and fill in the name of the grant administrator.
Fill in relevant fields (adapt according to the respective call).
Create a budget
For each budget year, specify:
- Personal details for project research participants, who you do not find in the database, (you fill in the details once, after which they will be searchable). For people without Swedish personal ID numbers, enter the date of birth (in the format YYYY-MM-DD). Add the year doctoral degree was awarded.
- Project research participants’ average working time (including those whose salaries will not be covered by RJ grants), as a percentage of full-time employment.
- Project research participants’ monthly salaries, (full-time) and annual salary estimates. For non-salaried project participants, enter SEK 0.
- LKP for project participants.
- Total working time for any non-research staff (e.g. assistants and technical staff), as a percentage of full-time employment. Do not name non-research staff.
- Drift (operation cost): Salary costs including employer contributions for non-research staff and expenses such as computers, software, literature, conference participation, overseas stays, dissemination of results, data management, or other infrastructure-related costs connected to the research task.
- Publication support: Costs for publishing, such as open access and book production.
Budgetspecifikation (budget specification)
Costs are to be specified and explained. No unspecified or unexplained costs will be approved.
Projektbeskrivning (project description)
RJ recommends writing the longer parts of the application (project description, references and publications) in a Word document that is then pasted into the pages concerned.
Referenser (references)
Give complete references in the input field for references for the sources you cite in your application.
Publikationer (publications)
The main publications of all project participants are listed here. A maximum of five titles per project participant.
Skriv under ansökan (sign the application)
Follow the instructions.
Submitting the application
Send the application to RJ by clicking on its reference number and then Skicka in (submit). If all the required details have been filled in, the application is accepted and a confirmation is sent to your email address.
Updating or changing the application
Until the closing date you can change an application sent in:
- Click on the application's reference number and then on Reopen.
- Submit the application once again. Only the last version submitted remains in the system.
Applications that have not been submitted or are incomplete are removed from the system after the closing date.
If you have any problems, contact a Research manager.