RJ Programmes, RJ Projects and RJ Infrastructure for Research

RJ issues grant funds after having received a requisition from the project leader.


Grants awarded from 26 November 2020

RJ issues grant funds after having received a requisition from the project leader once a year.

Grant recipients can download the requisition form no earlier than 1 January the second year after the project was granted. The first payment will be made after RJ receives the requisition, at the earliest 1 February the same year.

Fill in the requisition:

  1. Log in the same way as when submitting the application.
  2. Fill in the requisition form according to the instructions. Request an amount equivalent to 12 months claimed expenses.
  3. Attach a statement of account (as a PDF file) from your accounting system as supporting documentation for the expenses.
  4. Send the requisition form to rekvisition@rj.se.

The following requisitions are to follow their RJ-approved budget. They may be for at most 12 months of claimed expenses. The total and subtotals are specified in the contract.

Grants awarded 20 October 2016 – 25 November 2020

RJ issues grant funds after having received a requisition from the project leader.

Grant recipients can download the requisition form no earlier than 1 July the year after their grant has been awarded. The first payment will be made after RJ receives the requisition, at the earliest 20 August.

Fill in the requisition:

  1. Log in the same way as when submitting the application.
  2. Fill in the requisition form according to the instructions. Request an amount equivalent to approximately six months of claimed expenses.
  3. Attach a statement of account (as a PDF file) from your accounting system as supporting documentation for the expenses.
  4. Send the requisition form to rekvisition@rj.se.

The following requisitions are to follow their RJ-approved budget. They may be for at most six months of claimed expenses. The total and subtotals are specified in the contract.

The following requisitions are to follow their RJ-approved budget. They may be for at most six months of estimated expenses. The total and subtotals are specified in the contract.


Du som har fått medel kan ladda ner rekvisitionsblanketten tidigast 1 januari andra året efter att ditt projekt beviljades. Första utbetalningen görs efter att RJ har tagit emot rekvisitionen, tidigast 1 februari samma år.

Fylla i rekvisition:

  1. Logga in på samma sätt som vid ansökan.
  2. Fyll i rekvisitionsblanketten enligt anvisningen. Begär ett belopp som avser tolv månaders havda kostnader.
  3. Bifoga kontoutdrag (i pdf-format) ur redovisningssystemet som styrker uppgifterna.
  4. Projektledaren måste skicka rekvisitionsblanketten till rekvisition@rj.se.

Alla rekvisitioner ska följa den av RJ godkända budgeten. Summan och delbeloppen framgår av kontraktet.

Medel beviljade 20 oktober 2016 - 25 november 2020

RJ betalar ut medel efter att ha tagit emot en rekvisition från projektledaren.

Du som har fått bidrag kan ladda ner rekvisitionsblanketten tidigast 1 juli året efter att ditt bidrag beviljades. Första utbetalningen görs efter att RJ har tagit emot rekvisitionen, tidigast 20 augusti.

Fylla i rekvisition:

  1. Logga in på samma sätt som vid ansökan.
  2. Fyll i rekvisitionsblanketten enligt anvisningen. Begär ett belopp som motsvarar cirka 6 månaders havda kostnader.
  3. Bifoga kontoutdrag (i pdf-format) ur redovisningssystemet som styrker uppgifterna.
  4. Projektledaren måste skicka rekvisitionsblanketten till rekvisition@rj.se.

Följande rekvisitioner ska följa den av RJ godkända budgeten. Summan och delbeloppen framgår av kontraktet.