Information about approved grants is transferred to SweCRIS, a national database of grant decisions set up on behalf of the government (www.swecris.se). This information is published to make public and communicate Swedish research, as well as to enable aggregated statistical analyses. The data transferred to the database includes information about funding calls, information about the approved applications to the project, applying/participating researchers and information about decisions on the applications, such as the grant period and awarded amount. However, please note that personal identification numbers and contact information are not revealed publicly. The information may be forwarded from SweCRIS to the university that manages the funds for the relevant grant.

Users registered with SweCRIS have the right to request an export of the information registered about you. The Swedish Research Council is the data controller responsible for managing data within SweCRIS and is required to correct inaccurate information at the request of those registered in its database.

Contact swecris@forskning.se to find out more.