Anna Vogel

Swedish Save the Children International in changing times. Framing and story-telling for the organisation’s new identity

In the process of expanding its activities in Sweden, from having worked primarily with influence and impact, to offering wealth fare services of education, employment and healthcare, the organisation Save the Children will need an increased awareness of how it frames its undertakings as well as of what stories it tells. Framing concerns not only what key concepts are used, but also their internal logic, how paragraphs sentences are structured and how the grammar and vocabulary harmonize with the intended message. The aim of the proposed project is to study how Save the Children currently frames its actions and tells stories, both externally and internally, and how the framing and story-telling need to alter as the organisation’s identity changes. Two sets of data will be collected, first a set of text data, including pictures and video-clips from Save the Children, and second a set of ethnographic data, more specifically interviews with and observations of the organisation’s members and employees. The data will be approached by a variety of methods, such as concept analysis, rhetoric analysis and narrative analysis. Finally, recommendations will be suggested concerning possible modifications of framing and alternative stories, in order to assist the organisation in strengthening and communicating its new identity.
Grant administrator
Rädda Barnen
Reference number
SEK 1,598,000
RJ Flexit
Specific Languages