Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) supports research in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond's mission is to give Swedish research within the foundation's areas of focus the capacity to attain international prominence.
RJ primarily funds high-quality applications from the researchers themselves. There are currently forms of support designed both for individual researchers and for smaller and larger groups. RJ announces grants for the regular funding initiatives once a year, but researchers can apply for funding for conferences and academic networks throughout the year.
RJ also has targeted initiatives to develop and strengthen Swedish research in the humanities and social sciences. Inspiration for such targeted initiatives can come from many sources, such as evaluations of ongoing activities, conferences, review panels or the board.
Regular Funding Initiatives
- RJ Flexit
- RJ Infrastructure for Research
- RJ Programmes
- RJ Projects
- RJ Pro Futura
- RJ Research Initiation
- RJ Sabbatical
Targeted Initiatives
Some targeted initiatives occur once, others reoccur over the years:
- Advanced Studies Programme
- Digarv
- Research on research ethics
- Future Challenges in the Nordics
- Global Issues
- Mixed methods
- Swedish Foundations' Starting Grant
Application process
One or more of RJ’s multidisciplinary review panels assess and rank the projects. RJ also use external reviewers to review applications. The application process varies depending on support form, however the process of the two main support forms give a general picture of the process.
RJ Projects
RJ Programmes