Ulf Hannerz

Kosmopolit: kultur och politik i det globala samhället

Vid 2000-talets början står begreppet ”kosmopolitanism” mitt i ett fält av debatter kring hur människor kan engagera sig i världen och förhålla sig till kulturell mångfald. Projektet Kosmopolit syftar till att genom en kombination av teoretisk analys och empiriska studier belysa relationerna mellan kosmopolitanismens kulturella och politiska dimensioner, aktuella förändringar i dess sociala grundvalar, och dess uppifrån/ner- och nerifrån/upp-former i det globala samhället. Delstudierna omfattar (1) en belysning av samtida globala scenarier, deras produktion och plats i offentlig debatt; (2) en studie av hur nyhetsreportage i TV genom sina berättelseformer påverkar publikernas engagemang; (3) en studie av politiska och institutionella nätverk kring ”Global Governance”; (4) en studie av spridningen av kosmopolitisk konflikthantering och dess aktuella betydelse i Makedonien; och (5) tre etnografiska studier av skilda institutionella och delkulturella grundvalar för kosmopolitiska aktiviteter och erfarenheter. En behandlar gay-miljön i ryska städer, en studentutbytet inom ERASMUS-programmet, en fredsbevarande operationer inom FN-systemet med betoning på förberedande utbildning. Tillsammans syftar projektets delstudier till att ge en mångsidig bild av hur tidens institutioner, livsformer, föreställningsvärldar och personliga engagemang bildar en allt tätare och mångformigare väv över nationsgränser.

KOSMOPOLIT: Culture and politics in global society (Grant/Anslag 2002-0658)

Final report

The project group has had seven members: Ulf Hannerz, Katja Sarajeva, Ioannis Tsoukalas, Mattias Viktorin (all of the Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University),
Alexa Robertson (Department of Political Science, Stockholm University), Annika Björkdahl (Department of Political Science, University of Lund) and Ronald Stade (Department of International Migration and Ethnic Relations, Malmö University). Hannerz has been the project leader; Sarajeva, Tsoukalas and Viktorin have conducted their research within the project as Ph D students in social anthropology.

The project group has held a number of internal meetings in Stockholm and Lund. It provided the core of the program for an international conference on "Cosmopolitan scenarios: cultural and political processes", in Falsterbo, 3-5 December 2004, organized by Ronald Stade for Malmö University. A thematic issue of Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift (2005/3) on Cosmopolitanism, edited by Annika Björkdahl, was devoted largely to articles by project members.

Each member has also been responsible for an individual subproject under the umbrella of the larger project:

Annika Björkdahl: A Cosmopolitan Approach to the Governance of Peace: the Case of Macedonia

This study has dealt with the role of the diffusion of cosmopolitan ideas in maintaining peace in the ex-Yugoslav republic of Macedonia. While ethnicity and religion contribute to divisions here like in many Balkan states, the country has mostly been free of major conflicts. The study has applied a top-down approach, focusing on mechanisms at the elite level which contribute to the spread of cosmopolitan values within Macedonian society. The presence of UN peacekeepers and a range of other personnel from the European Union, international organizations and NGOs have contributed to the deterrence of external aggression, and their interactions with local elites have been important in influencing the political climate. A monograph resulting from the study, EU as a Normative Power in the Western Balkans: The Dynamics of Norm Diffusion and Socialization is scheduled for publication in 2010.

Ulf Hannerz: The Construction of World Images

The central focus of this study is on the appearance, in several waves from the end of the Cold War and onwards, of global future scenarios with various emphases, by authors such as Francis Fukuyama, Samuel Huntington, Joseph Nye, Benjamin Barber, Timothy Garton Ash, Robert Kaplan, and Thomas Friedman. These scenarios, authored by academics or journalists, frequently incorporate a cultural dimension, and this is given some special scrutiny. The scenarios are not only examined as texts, however, but also as a source of collective images of increasingly global distribution. Consequently, the social structuring of this transnational cultural complex is also analyzed. While it is clear that the scenarios have in large part had an Euro-American origin, it is also discernible that in a later wave scenarios with stronger connections elsewhere in the world, especially Asia, are gaining in attention. This study is not yet completed; it is both complicating and illuminating that changes in the world (9/11, the growing importance of India and China, global climate change - and soon probably the 2008- economic crisis) keep generating additions to the genre. This, on the other hand, offers a chance to build a certain time depth into the analysis. Extended stays at the University of Tokyo, Tel Aviv University, and the Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenchaften, Vienna, (by invitation, thus at no cost to the project) have been very useful in developing the research perspective. The projected final volume has the working title The Geocultural Imagination: Scenarios and Debates in the Global Ecumene.

Alexa Robertson: Media Narratives and Cosmopolitan Commitments

Media are widely seen as a major influence on contemporary global awareness, and thus on cosmopolitan orientations. Such arguments, however, are often of a very general and rather impressionistic nature, and can come to rather contradictory conclusions. This study has focused on a detailed comparative analysis of television news programs, in three international channels (BBC World, Deutsche Welle and EuroNews) as well as in three major news programs in Sweden (Rapport), Germany (Heute) and Great Britain (News at Ten). The kinds and amounts of foreign news in the programs have been compared, as well as reporting styles; important differences could be discerned, which could affect the responses of viewers in the direction of more or less cosmopolitan stances. Specific materials analyzed included reporting on the Southeast Asian tsunami of 2004, as well as (earlier the same year) the 60th anniversary commemoration of D-day, the invasion of Normandy at the beginning of the end of World War II. The analysis of program content has been complemented with several focus group interviews, in Swedish groups of differing social characteristics. A book manuscript, Cosmopolitan Narratives, has been completed, and should be published within a near future; additional publications in article form are also expected to follow.

Katja Sarajeva: Cosmopolitanism and Global Lesbian Culture in Russia

This study has focused on cultural and experiential aspects of globalization and cosmopolitanism. How does the increasingly global gay and lesbian movement influence the Russian scene? Does this subculture contribute to a cosmopolitan identity? The decriminalization of homosexuality in Russia in 1993 was a result of a greater openness toward the West, and was at the beginning of a more direct relationship of Russian gays and lesbians to the counterpart global culture. Yet a continuous and complex negotiation between cosmopolitan and national identities is also evident. Field work for the study has mostly been carried out in Moscow, in an extended period in 2005-2006, and during several later visits. The Moscow Pride Parade in May, 2006, was an especially illuminating event. The study draws on participant observation and interviews, but also on studies of film and literature. Sarajeva´s Ph D dissertation writing is well under way.

Ronald Stade: Envisaging Global Governance

Since the late twentieth century, "global governance" has developed as a key concept for "the evolution of human efforts to organize life on the planet", "the way our human community manages its affairs". While it refers to a political regulation of the process of globalization, and thus to a kind of top-down cosmopolitanism, it largely avoids a notion of centralized world government. This subproject of the KOSMOPOLIT project has been concerned with the organization and cultural production of global governance policy clusters. It draws empirically on textual analysis as well as direct data gathering. The latter has largely been in the form of interviews with public figures and experts closely involved in global governance activities. These have included individuals representing, or in other ways linked to, the Commission on Global Governance; the World Economic Forum; the World Bank, Washington, D.C.; the Brookings Institution, Washington, DC; the Development and Peace Foundation, Bonn, Germany; the Progressive Policy Institute, Washington, D.C.; and the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
The interview materials will be utilized in a wider analysis of notions of global governance and cosmopolitanism, in a book manuscript in progress. The subproject has also resulted in further linkages to established and emergent international research networks in the areas of globalization and cosmopolitanism.

Ioannis Tsoukalas: ERASMUS Students as Apprentice Cosmopolitans

The aim of the study has been to investigate cultural processes currently taking place within the European Union (EU) which are eventually relevant for the development of cosmopolitan awareness and life styles. More specifically it has focused on the ERASMUS student exchange program, which has quite dramatically changed student life in many European universities during recent years. A large number of students circulate within the borders of the European Union, staying long periods of time in different countries before returning to their home universities. The ethnographic material for this study consists of participant observation and interviews with exchange students, in Stockholm and Athens. Field research has been completed, and Tsoukalas is now writing his doctoral dissertation.

Mattias Viktorin: "Conflict Preventionism" and the New Military

This study has been concerned with the changing role of the military, in Sweden and elsewhere, in a direction of peace management and "conflict preventionism" (a key concept here). Humanitarian interventions involve the military with the representatives of a range of civilian entities: state offices, international organizations, NGOs. In this subproject, with its focus on a field study of one large multinational training project of military-civilian cooperation, the emergent discourse of "conflict preventionism", its basis in implicit and explicit assumptions and notions concerning the world environment, and its testing in practice, have been examined. This has illuminated conceptions of cosmopolitanism as well as nationalism and globalization. The subproject was completed with Viktorin\'s doctoral dissertation, Exercising Peace: Conflict Preventionism, Neoliberalism, and the New Military (2008). While attached to the project, Viktorin has also spent a year as Fulbright Fellow at the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.



Projektgruppen har haft sju medlemmar: Ulf Hannerz, Katja Sarajeva, Ioannis Tsoukalas, Mattias Viktorin (samtliga Socialantropologiska institutionen, Stockholms Universitet),
Alexa Robertson (Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Stockholms Universitet), Annika Björkdahl (Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Lunds Universitet) och Ronald Stade (Institutionen för Internationell Migration och Etniska Relationer, Malmö Högskola). Hannerz har varit projektledare; Sarajeva, Tsoukalas och Viktorin har utfört sina delprojekt som forskarstuderande i socialantropologi.

Projektgruppen har hållit ett antal interna sammanträden i Stockholm och Lund. Den bidrog med kärnan i programmet för en internationell konferens om "Cosmopolitan scenarios: cultural and political processes" i Falsterbo, 3-5 december 2004, organiserad av Ronald Stade för Malmö Högskola. Ett temanummer av Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift (2005/3) om kosmopolitanism, redigerat av Annika Björkdahl, ägnades i huvudsak åt artiklar av projektets medlemmar.

Varje projektmedlem har ansvarat för sitt individuella delprojekt under det större projektparaplyet:

Annika Björkdahl: A Cosmopolitan Approach to the Governance of Peace: the Case of Macedonia

Denna studie har gällt den roll spridningen av kosmopolitiska idéer haft i fredsbevarande i den f d jugoslaviska republiken Makedonien. Medan etnicitet och religion bidragit till splittring här som i många balkanstater har landet i huvudsak undgått större konflikter. Studiet har anlagt ett uppifrån-nerperspektiv med fokus på elitnivåmekanismer som bidragit till att sprida kosmopolitiska värderingar inom det makedoniska samhället. Närvaron av fredsbevarare från FN och varierande personal från EU, internationella organisationer och frivilligorganisationer (NGOs) har medverkat till att avskräcka extern aggression, och deras interaktioner med lokala elitet har varit betydelsefulla i påverkan på det politiska klimatet. En monografi från studien, EU as a Normative Power in the Western Balkans: The Dynamics of Norm Diffusion and Socialization, beräknas utkomma 2010.

Ulf Hannerz: The Construction of World Images

Studiens centrala fokus är på de uppmärksammade globala framtidsscenarier som utkommit i flera vågor sedan det kalla krigets slut, med olika betoningar och med författare som Francis Fukuyama, Samuel Huntington, Joseph Nye, Benjamin Barber, Timothy Garton Ash, Robert Kaplan, och Thomas Friedman. Scenarierna, framställda av akademiker eller journalister, omfattar ofta en kulturell dimension, och denna har getts särskild uppmärksamhet. Scenarierna har dock inte bara granskats som texter, utan också som en källa till kollektiva föreställningar som nått alltmer global spridning. Det ifrågavarande kulturkomplexets sociala strukturering har följaktligen också analyserats. Medan det är klart att scenarierna till stor del haft ett euroamerikanskt usprung kan det också märkas att en senare våg av scenarier med starkare anknytningar annorstädes i världen, särskilt i Asien, börjar vinna mer uppmärksamhet. Denna studie är ännu inte färdigställd; den både kompliceras och berikas av att förändringar i världen (11-septemberhändelserna, Indiens och Kinas växande betydelse, klimatförändringar - och snart antagligen också 2008 års finanskaos) fortlöpande alstrar nya bidrag till genren. Detta bidrar dock också till möjligheterna att bygga in en tidsdimension i analysen. Längre uppehåll vid University of Tokyo, Tel Aviv University, och Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenchaften, Wien, (på inbjudan, och alltså utan kostnad för projektet) har varit till stor nytta i utvecklngen av forskningsperspektivet. Den planerade avslutande volymen har arbetstiteln The Geocultural Imagination: Scenarios and Debates in the Global Ecumene.

Alexa Robertson: Media Narratives and Cosmopolitan Commitments

Medierna ses allmänt som ytterst inflytelserika på det samtida globala medvetandet, och således på kosmopolitiska inställningar. Sådana resonemang är dock ofta mycket allmänna och ganska impressionistiska till sin natur, och kan leda till rätt motsägelsefulla slutsatser. Denna studie har omfattat en detaljerad jämförande analys av nyhetsprogram på TV, i tre internationella kanaler (BBC World, Deutsche Welle and EuroNews) och i tre större program i Sverige (Rapport), Tyskland (Heute) och Storbritannien (News at Ten). Typer och omfattning av utrikesinslag i programmen har jämförts, liksom rapporteringsstilar; det gick att urskilja viktiga skillnader som kunde påverka tittarnas gensvar i riktning mot mer eller mindre kosmopolitiska förhållningssätt. De särskilda material som analyserades omfattade rapportering kring 2004 års sydostasiatiska tsunami, och tidigare samma år kring 60-årsdagen av "D-Day", invasionen i Normandie som blev början till för andra världskriget. Analysen av programinnehåll har kombinerats med fokusgruppintervjuer i svenska grupper med varierande sociala kännetecken. Ett bokmanuskript, Cosmopolitan Narratives, har färdigställts och bör publiceras inom en nära framtid. Andra publikationer i artikelform beräknas också följa.

Katja Sarajeva: Cosmopolitanism and Global Lesbian Culture in Russia

Studien har fokuserat på kulturella och erfarenhetsmässiga aspekter av globalisering och kosmopolitism. Hur påverkar den alltmer globala Gay & Lesbian-rörelsen den ryska scenen? Bidrar denna delkultur till en kosmopolitisk identitet? Homosexualitetens avkriminalisering i Ryssland 1993 var ett resultat av en större öppenhet gentemot väst, och utgjorde början till en mera direkt relation mellan ryska homosexuella och den motsvarande globala kulturen. Men ett fortlöpande, komplicerat förhandlande mellan kosmopolitiska och nationella identiteter låter sig också märkas. Fältarbete för studien har i huvudsak utförts i Moskva, under en längre period 2005-2006 och flera senare vistelser. "The Moscow Pride Parade" i maj 2006 var en särskilt betydelsefull händelse. Studien bygger på deltagande observation och intervjuer men också på studier av film och litteratur. Sarajevas avhandlingsskrivande är väl framskridet.

Ronald Stade: Envisaging Global Governance

Sedan slutet av 1900-talet har "global governance", global styrning, utvecklats som ett nyckelbegrepp för "utvecklingen av mänskliga strävanden att organisera planetens liv", eller för "den mänskliga gemenskapens sätt att hantera sina angelägenheter". Medan det syftar på en politisk reglering av globaliseringsprocessen, och alltså ett slag uppifrån-och-nerkosmopolitism, undviker det i stort sett idén om en centraliserad världsregering. Detta delprojekt har ägnats åt organisationsbildning och kulturell produktion inom den globala styrningens aktivitetsområde. Det bygger empiriskt på textanalys såväl som direkt datainsamling, den senare främst genom intervjuer med offentliga personer och experter som verkar inom området. Bl a har intervjuer utförts med personer som representerar eller på annat sätt är länkade till the Commission on Global Governance; the World Economic Forum; the World Bank, Washington, D.C.; the Brookings Institution, Washington, DC; the Development and Peace Foundation, Bonn, Germany; the Progressive Policy Institute, Washington, D.C.; och the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. I ett bokmanuskript under utarbetande kommer intervjumaterialet att användas I en bredare analys av begreppsbildning kring global styrning och kosmopolitism. Delprojektet har också resulterat i nya länkar till etablerade och framväxande internationella forskningsnätverk inom globaliseringens och ksmopolitismens områden.

Ioannis Tsoukalas: ERASMUS Students as Apprentice Cosmopolitans

Delstudiens mål har varit att granska kulturella processer inom EU som kan ses som relevanta för utvecklingen av kosmopolitiska uppfattningar och livsstilar. Mera specifikt har det inriktats på studentutbytesprogrammet ERASMUS, som under senare år dramatiskt förändrat studentlivet vid många europeiska universitet. Ett stort antal studenter cirkulerar inom EUs gränser, med långvariga uppehåll i olika länder innan de återvänder till sina hemuniversitet. Det etnografiska materialet för studien består av deltagande observation och intervjuer med utbytesstudenter, i Stockholm och Aten. Fältstudierna är avslutade, och Tsoukalas skriver nu sin doktorsavhandling.

Mattias Viktorin: "Conflict Preventionism" and the New Military

Studien har ägnats åt militärens förändrade roll, i Sverige och på andra hall, I riktning mot fredshantering och "konfliktpreventionism" (ett nyckelbegrepp här). Humanitära insatser sätter militären i nära kontakt med företrädare för en rad civila instanser: statliga myndigheter, internationella organisationer, frivilligorganisationer (NGOs). Detta delprojekt, med fokus i en fältstudie av ett stort multinationellt övningsprojekt för miltärt-civilt samarbete, har granskat den framväxande diskursen kring konfliktpreventionism, dess grundvalar i explicita och underförstådda antaganden och föreställningar kring världsomgivningen, och dess prövande i praktiken. Detta har belyst uppfattningar om såväl kosmopolitism som nationalism och globalisering. Delprojektet avslutades genom Viktorins doktorsavhandling, Exercising Peace: Conflict Preventionism, Neoliberalism, and the New Military (2008). Viktorin har också under projektarbetet tillbringat ett år som Fulbright Fellow vid Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.

Conference presentations, guest lectures and other scholarly events
(listed in English only)

The project members have engaged in a number of academic activities where materials from the KOSMOPOLIT project have been presented and discussed:

Björkdahl, Annika (2004)"Normative Influence in World Politics. Towards a theoretical framework for norm export and norm import", paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) joint sessions, Uppsala, 13-18 April.

Björkdahl, Annika (2005) Participant, Roundtable discussion at the Third International Dag Hammarskjöld Colloquium, "Universal Ethics and Cultural Diversity", Backåkra, 20 May.

Björkdahl, Annika (2006) "To practice what they preach: International Transitional administrations and democracy promotion", paper presented at "Globalization and Peacebuilding," organized by the Swedish Network of Peace, Conflict and Development Research, 6-8 Nov 2006, Uppsala, Sweden.

Björkdahl, Annika (2006) Invited guest speaker to "Discourse at a juncture: The explanatory power of discourse theory and policy analysis for understanding peace operations and humanitarian intervention", Konstanz University, 22-24 September.

Björkdahl, Annika (2006) Invited guest speaker to Department of Political Science, Gothenburg University, November, 30 October.

Björkdahl, Annika (2007) "Coupling EU\'s normative and military power in peace support operations", paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) conference, Torino, Italy,12-15 September.

Björkdahl, Annika (2007) "Peacekeeping and Norm Promotion", paper presented at workshop on Conflict Resolution and Mediation, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 12-13 May.

Björkdahl, Annika (2007) Invited guest speaker to Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), 24 April.

Hannerz, Ulf (2004) Lecture on "Rethinking Cosmopolitanism: Culture and Politics", Department of Anthropology, University of Osaka, 23 January.

Hannerz, Ulf (2004) Lecture on "Cosmopolitanism Reconsidered: Culture and Politics in the Global Society" for the Tokyo Cultural Studies Network, at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 31 January.

Hannerz, Ulf (2004) Lecture on "Perspectives toward Cosmopolitanism as a Cultural Resource" at workshop on "Cultural Resources", Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan, 21-22 February.

Hannerz, Ulf (2004) Lecture on "Cosmopolitanism Reconsidered: Culture and Politics", Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu, Japan, 22 March.

Hannerz, Ulf (2004) Luigi Einaudi Lecture om "The Two Faces of Cosmopolitanism: Culture and Politics", Institute for European Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, 8 November.

Hannerz, Ulf (2005) As Visiting Scholar, The Mortimer and Raymond Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies, Tel Aviv University , January-March, Hannerz gave two lectures on "The Two Faces of Cosmopolitanism: Culture and Politics" and "The Global Landscape of News: Studying the Work of Foreign Correspondents".

Hannerz, Ulf (2005) Keynote lecture on "Geocultural Scenarios" at the national research conference "Cultural Studies in Sweden", University of Linköping/Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden (ACSIS), Norrköping 13-15 June.

Hannerz, Ulf (2005) Lecture on "Geocultural Scenarios" at the 37th Congress of the
International Institute of Sociology, "Frontiers of Sociology", in the semiplenary session "Sociology and the Cultural Sciences" (chair, Neil J. Smelser) Stockholm, 5-9 July.

Hannerz, Ulf (2005) Lecture on "Cosmopolitanism and Transnational Connections" at the "Science Policy Workshop" of the International Association for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (INTAS), Uppsala 10-11 July.

Hannerz, Ulf (2005) Lecture on "Two Faces of Cosmopolitanism: Culture and Politics". Socrates Intensive Programme, "Lifeworlds: Transitions between Plural Social Milieux",
Universität Wien, 25 August.

Hannerz, Ulf (2005) Plenary lecture on "The Two Faces of Cosmopolitanism: Culture and Politics" at Associazione Italiana di Sociologia, Sezione Processi e Istituzioni Culturali, conference on "Comunicare le identità", Bolzano, Italy, 24 September.

Hannerz, Ulf (2005) Lecture on "Two Faces of Cosmopolitanism: Culture and Politics" at
Fundació Centro de Información y Documentación Internacionales en Barcelona (CIDOB), Barcelona, Spain, 2 November, with a seminar on the same topic, with an interdisciplinary group of doctoral students from several Barcelona universities, on 3 November.

Hannerz, Ulf (2006) Lecture on "The Geocultural Imagination: Culture Areas, Story Lines, Scenarios", in the series "Emeriti Honorary Lectures" (in honor of Gerald D. Berreman),
Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 10 April.

Hannerz, Ulf (2006) Seminar presentation on "Geocultural scenarios", Department of Human Geography, University of Uppsala, 28 April.

Hannerz, Ulf (2006) Opening lecture on "Culture, Diversity and Humanity: Key Concepts in an Era of Globalization" in public lecture series, "Culture, Diversity and Humanity", Stockholm University, 26 September.

Hannerz, Ulf (2006) Lecture on "Cosmopolitan milieux" at the conference on "Cities and Media: Cultural Perspectives on Urban Identities in a Mediatized World", European Science Foundation/University of Linköping, Vadstena, 25-29 October.

Hannerz, Ulf (2006) Keynote lecture on "The Geocultural Imagination: Scenarios and Storylines" at the 7th Graduate Conference in Erlangen, "Circular Flows: Capillaries of World Culture", Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 3-5 November.

Hannerz, Ulf (2006) Keynote lecture on "Global World Culture versus Cosmopolitan Modernity" at the 80th anniversary conference "Modern Internationalism/Global World Culture", Bauhaus-Stiftung Dessau, 1-2 December.

Hannerz, Ulf (2007) Lecture on "Cultural Dimensions of Globalization" and research seminar on "The Geocultural Imagination: Scenarios and Story Lines", Universitá degli studi di Milano-Bicocca, 19-20 March.

Hannerz, Ulf (2007) Plenary lecture on "Changing Europe, Changing Anthropology" at First International Conference of the Turkey Anthropological Association, "Boundaries, Images, and Cultures: Reconsidering Europe(anness) from Anthropological Perspective", Istanbul, 25-27 May.

Hannerz, Ulf (2007) Lecture on "Twenty-first Century Anthropology: On National and International Practices in a Cosmopolitan Discipline" at conference on "The Politics of Academic Knowledge in a Global Era: Nationalism, Cosmopolitanism, and Market Values", arranged by the International Center for Advanced Studies, New York University, and Institute of History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 16-19 July.

Hannerz, Ulf (2007) Opening lecture on "Theorizing Cultural Globalization: Where We Stand", at conference "Impasse? Cultures of Globalization and the Globalization of Culture",
Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Wien 11-13 October.

Hannerz, Ulf (2007) Lecture on "Cities as Frontiers" at the Fondazione Istituto Gramsci Emilia-Romana, Bologna, Italy, 19 October.

Hannerz, Ulf (2007) Opening lecture on "Cities as Frontiers" at interdisciplinary conference on "Die Natur der Stadt", Georg Simmel-Zentrum für Metropolenforschung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 15-17 November.

Hannerz, Ulf (2007) Lecture on "Cosmopolitanism and Geocultural Scenarios", Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Universität Wien, 5 december 2007.

Hannerz, Ulf (2007) Lecture on "\'Clash of Civilizations\', \'Soft Power\' and other Geocultural Scenarios: The Relevance of Anthropology", Forschungsstelle Sozialanthropologie,
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 7 December.

Hannerz, Ulf (2008) Public lecture on "The Geocultural Imagination: Scenarios and Storylines", on 28 January, while Senior Research Fellow 1 October 2007-31 January 2008, at the Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Wien.

Hannerz, Ulf (2008) Public Lecture on "Scenarios for the Twenty-first Century World", March 7, while Wei Lun Visiting Professor, 1-15 March, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Hannerz, Ulf (2008) Lecture on "Diversity is Our Business" in the Jensen Memorial Lecture Series, Frobenius Institute, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, 21 April.

Hannerz, Ulf (2008) Lecture on "World-wide Conversations" in plenary session on "Mutualities in Practice: Beyond Worlds in Collision", Biennial Conference of the
European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26-29 August.

Hannerz, Ulf (2008) Lecture on "Images of the World, Now and Next: Global Scenarios as Texts and Transnational Cultural Phenomena", Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Oxford University, 16 October.

Hannerz, Ulf (2008) Participation in seminar on "Anthropological perspectives on a changing Europe", organized by Research Directorate General, European Commission, at the European University Institute, Florence, 23-24 October.

Hannerz, Ulf (2008) Lecture on "Images of the World, Now and Next: Global Scenarios as Texts and Transnational Cultural Phenomena", at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University, Budapest, 1 December.

Robertson, Alexa (2007) "Reporting the World Back to Itself". Paper presented at the conference on International Broadcasting, Public Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange, London.

Robertson, Alexa (2007) "Researching Cosmopolitanism through Narratives of EU Enlargement", workshop on the European Public Sphere, Theory and Methods, Institute for European Integration Research, Vienna, March.

Sarajeva, Katja (2005) "You know what kind of place this is, don¹t you? An Exploration of Lesbian Spaces in Moscow." Paper presented at the workshop on Public/Private Spaces in¬ an urban culture of diversity: Ethnographic case studies from Russian cities", organized by the project on Urban culture and ethnic representation: Berlin and Moscow as emerging world cities, Institut für europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, in Moscow, 7 September.

Sarajeva, Katja (2006) "Att se och att synas bland lesbiska i Moskva", paper presented in Session on Visual Art and Culture, Annual Meeting of the Swedish Anthropological Association (SANT), Stockholm University, 24-26 March.

Sarajeva, Katja (2008) "Moscow Pride: The Politics of Performing GLBT Activism in Post- Soviet Russia", paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), "Inclusion, Collaboration, and Engagement", San Francisco, CA, USA, 19-23 November.

Stade, Ronald (2002) "Cosmopolitan studies: the refiguration of cultural thought," inaugural lecture for the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., research and policy program, "Culture in global affairs" (CIGA), 14 November.

Stade, Ronald (2002) "Thick conceptions: cosmopolitanism as a cultural system," presentation at panel, "Political practice after the cultural turn: towards an anthropology of mobilisation," 7th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), Copenhagen, 14-17 August.

Stade, Ronald (2003) "A global legal order?" international conference, "Politikziel Weltrechtsordnung! Das UN-Friedens- und Sicherheitssystem als Antrieb für eine globale Rechtsstaatlichkeit?" ["Policy objective: a global legal order! The UN peace and security system as motor of a global rule of law?"], Bad Honnef, Germany, 5-6 December.

Stade, Ronald (2005) "Global governance, times three," presentation at Stockholm Anthropology Roundtable, "Improving the world: varieties of power and responsibility," Sigtuna, Sweden, 5-7 September.

Stade, Ronald (2005) "Global identities, global futures: meanings and politics," presentation at plenary session, "Global identities, global futures: meanings and politics," Second Globalization Studies Network and Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) Conference, "Globalization: overcoming exclusion, strengthening inclusion," Dakar, Senegal, 29-31 August.

Stade, Ronald (2006) "Cosmos and polis, past and present," lecture, Nobel Museum, Stockholm, 27 November.

Stade, Ronald (2006) Organization of panel, "Global citizenship," Third Globalization Studies Network and Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS) Conference, "Globalization and human diversity: Asian and other regional experiences," Kuala Lumpur, 21-23 August.

Stade, Ronald (2006) "Warga dunia, bersatulah!," presentation at panel, "Global citizenship," Third Globalization Studies Network and Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS) Conference, "Globalization and human diversity: Asian and other regional experiences," Kuala Lumpur, 21-23 August.

Stade, Ronald (2006) "Cosmos and polis, past and present," presentation at panel, "Cosmopolitanism, existentialism and morality," Diamond Jubilee conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth (ASA), "Cosmopolitanism and anthropology", Keele, United Kingdom, 10-13 April.

Stade, Ronald (2007) "The politics of perspectives: some notes on methodological cosmopolitanism in anthropology," presentation at workshop, "Political and ethical dilemmas in the analysis of identity politics," Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde, Tagung 2007, Halle, Germany, 4 October.

Stade, Ronald (2007) "A cosmopolitan outlook on peace and conflict studies," guest lecture at the Center for the Study of Peace and Reconciliation, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, 18 June.

Tsoukalas. Ioannis (2004) Framing the Cosmopolitan Experience: Identity Formation in the Age of Globalization. Paper presented at the Socrates Intensive Program, "ADOPAC - Nationalisms and Intercultural Connections", at the Institute for Cultural and Social Anthropology, Universität Wien, 29 August-8 September.

Tsoukalas, Ioannis (2005) A method for studying social representations. Paper presented at the 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, "Frontiers of Sociology", Stockholm, 5-9 July.

Tsoukalas, Ioannis (2006) Improvised selves: Identity Formation in the Age of Globalization. Paper presented at the Södertörn University College Conference, "The Idea of Cosmopolis: Ethics, Politics, and Aesthetics of World Citizenship", Stockholm, 23-24 March.

Tsoukalas, Ioannis (2006) Session Chairman and a member of the Scientific Committee,
International Bilingual Conference, "Academic Mobility: Crossed Perspectives", Turku (Finland), 23-24 September.

Viktorin, Mattias (2003) "Civila samhällets roll i det globala fredsarbetet," lecture in the undergraduate course "Det civila samhället och världens överlevnadsfrågor", Center for Environment and Development Studies (CEMUS), Uppsala University, Sweden, 24 February.

Viktorin, Mattias (2003) "Soldiers, Activists, and Human Rights: The Emergence of Humanitarian Militarism," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Swedish Anthropological Association (SANT), Göteborg University, Sweden, 21-22 March.

Viktorin, Mattias (2004) "Fältarbete bland konfliktpreventionisterna," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Swedish Anthropological Association (SANT), Lund University, Sweden, 12-14 March.

Viktorin, Mattias (2004) "Soldiers, Activists, and Human Rights: Civil-Military Myths and Tales of Technology within the Viking 03 Project," paper presented at the 20th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium (EGOS), "The Organization as a Set of Dynamic Relationships", University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1-3 July.

Viktorin, Mattias (2004) "Anthropological Fieldwork among the Conflict Preventionists," paper presented at the conference "Transformation and Convergence: Armed Forces and Society in the New Security Environment", organized by the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society (IUS), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1-3 October.

Viktorin, Mattias (2004) "Conflict Preventionism and the New Military," paper presented at the Living Beyond Conflict Seminar, Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 25 October.

Viktorin, Mattias (2005) "SECURITY + DEVELOPMENT = SANT: Civil-Military Alliances and the Emergence of \'Conflict Preventionism,\'" paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Swedish Anthropological Association (SANT), "Om alla \'gör etnografi\'--vad gör då antropologer?", Linköping University, Sweden, 14-15 April.

Viktorin, Mattias (2005) "Conflict Preventionism and the New Military," paper presented at the conference "Cultural Studies in Sweden: National Research Conference", organized by Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden (ACSIS), Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden, 13-15 June.

Viktorin, Mattias (2005) "Sweden in the New Security Environment: Armed Forces, Civil-Military Alliances, and Contemporary Cosmopolitanism," paper presented at the 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (IIS), "Frontiers of Sociology", Stockholm, Sweden, 5-9 July.

Viktorin, Mattias (2005) "Conflict Preventionism in the New Security Environment," paper presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), "Bringing the Past into the Present", Washington, D.C., USA, 30 November-4 December.

Viktorin, Mattias (2006) "Imagining Conflicts, Inventing Peace: Conflict Preventionism and the New Military," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Swedish Anthropological Association (SANT), "Mångfald i rörelse", Stockholm University, Sweden, 24-26 March.

Viktorin, Mattias (2006) "Promoting Transparency, Preventing War: Neoliberalism, Conflict Preventionism, and the New Military," paper presented at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), "Critical Intersections/Dangerous Issue", San José, CA, USA, 15-19 November.

Viktorin, Mattias (2007) "Technologies of Peace," paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, 19 March.

Viktorin, Mattias (2007) "Technologies of Peace: Remediation and the Problematization of Conflicts," paper presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), "Difference, (In)equality, and Justice", Washington, D.C., USA, 28 November-2 December.

Viktorin, Mattias (2008) "Promoting Transparency, Preventing War," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Swedish Anthropological Association (SANT), "Visuell kultur", Högskolan Dalarna, Falun, Sweden, 25-26 April.

Viktorin, Mattias (2008) "Critique at Large," paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA), "Experiencing Diversity and Mutuality", Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26-29 August.

Viktorin, Mattias (2008) "Critique at Large," paper presented at double panel "How is Anthropology Going? An Inquiry into Movement, Mode and Method in the Contemporary World," organized by Kevin Karpiak, Chris Vasantkumar, and Mattias Viktorin, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), "Inclusion, Collaboration, and Engagement", San Francisco, CA, USA, 19-23 November.

Viktorin, Mattias (2009) "Exercising Peace," paper presented at the Stockholm Center for Organizational Research (SCORE), February 26.

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